Personal MCU Timeline: Ancient History - 1940s

  • 910 BCE

    Ancient History

    • Formation of the Infinity Stones
    • Power Stone stored in vault on Morag
    • Celestial Ego is born
    • Meteor made of Vibranium lands in Africa
    • Founding of Wakanda
    • Agamotto founds the Masters of the Mystic Arts
    • The Kree visit Earth and experiment on humans, creating the Inhumans
    • Odin defeats Surtur and banishes him.
    • Asgardian War with the Dark Elves
    • Hela is born and takes part in the Subjugation of the nine Realms before she is locked away in Hel
    • The Hand is Formed
  • 950

    Massacre of the Valkyrie

    After nearly 1600 years of imprisonment, Hela attempts to escape from her prison of Hel. Her father and the man who imprisoned her, Odin, sends his army of Valkyries on their flying steeds to keep her at bay. They attempt to prevent her escape, but Hela is too much for them and she massacres the whole army, save for Brunnhilde, who is saved by one of her teammates. Odin intervenes and enters Hel. The All-Father manages to overpower and re-imprison Hela.
  • 950

    Brunnhilde Flees to Sakaar

    Brunnhilde forsakes Asgard and escapes to the junk planet of Sakaar, where she intends to live out the rest of her days drinking and salvaging, attempting to leave her old Valkyrie life behind her.
  • 964

    Thor is Born

    Thor Odinson is born to Odin Borson and Frigga, and claimed to be Odin's firstborn child, and thus the heir to the throne of Asgard. He is not told about his imprisoned older sister until the day of his father's death in 2017.
  • 965

    Asgard goes to War with the Frost Giants

    The Frost Giants of Jotunheim attempt to conquer Midgard/Earth, starting their invasion in Tønsberg, Norway. The Asgardians hear of the attack, assemble their army and prepare for battle. Odin leads the Asgardian army in an epic battle against the Frost Giants, to repel their invasion and protect Midgard.
  • 965

    Loki is Born and Adopted by Odin

    The Asgardians force the Frost Giants back to Jotunheim, where Odin discovers an abandoned Frost Giant infant. He adopts the child, names him Loki, and raises him alongside his own son, Thor. He later negotiates a truce with Jotunheim's king, Laufey.
  • Period: 1014 to

    Kree-Nova War

    The Kree and Nova Empires engage in a war which lasts for over a thousand years.
  • 1316

    The Ancient One is Born

  • Oct 7, 1409

    The Tesseract is Hidden

    Odin hides the Tesseract in Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Howard Stark is Born

  • Bucky Barnes is Born

    James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes is born.
  • Steve Rogers is Born

  • Peggy Carter is Born

  • Erskine Begins Researching Super Soldier Serum

    Abraham Erskine, working in a German University, begins his research into creating a Super Soldier Serum.
  • Period: to

    Schmidt Searches for the Tesseract

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Stark Industries Founded

    Howard Stark founds Stark Industries.
  • Schmidt Become Red Skull

    At Castle Kaufmann in the Bavarian Alps, Abraham Erskine injects Johann Schmidt with his Super Soldier Serum, but the serum horrifically transforms Schmidt, turning him into the Red Skull.
  • Steve Rogers Tries to Enlist

    Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes visit US Recruiting and Induction Center in New York City, but Rogers is classified as 4F and rejected from service. He goes on to be rejected a further four times in four different cities.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

  • HYDRA Finds the Tesseract

    In Tønsberg, Norway, Johann Schmidt discovers and takes the Tesseract, hidden within a monastery. He refers to it as "the jewel of Odin's Treasure Room".
  • Steve Rogers Recruited for Project Rebirth

    On Flag Day, at the World Exposition of Tomorrow in New York City, Abraham Erskine spots Steve Rogers at a recruitment office and offers him a chance to join the United States Army through Project Rebirth. At Camp Lehigh, New Jersey, Rogers and several other volunteers begin their training under the supervision of Erskine, Peggy Carter, and Colonel Chester Phillips.
  • Steve Rogers Becomes Captain America

    With Erskine's serum and Howard Stark's Vita Radiation technology, Steve Rogers is transformed into the world's first super soldier. Erskine is assassinated by Heinz Kruger, an operative of HYDRA. The only hope of replicating Project Rebirth's success is in Rogers' genetic code. Kruger runs away but is caught by Rogers and commits suicide with a cyanide pill.
  • Period: to

    Captain America Goes on Tour With the USO

    Unwilling to be kept for research, Steve Rogers joins the USO and goes on a morale-boosting tour of the US, the UK, and troops stationed in Italy. Given the name 'Captain America' he becomes a national celebrity, appearing in films, comic books and card collections and establishing himself as a symbol of America's participation in the war.
  • Captain America Frees POWs - Austria

    Frustrated by his lack of real action, and learning that Bucky Barnes is trapped behind enemy lines, Steve Rogers attacks a HYDRA facility in Austria. Johann Schmidt sets the facility to self destruct and escapes with the Tesseract. During his escape Rogers memorizes a map of HYDRA facility locations and obtains a sample of the power source HYDRA was using.
  • The Formation of the Howling Commandos

    Steve Rogers is presumed dead, but soon arrives with most of the soldiers he saved from the HYDRA facility. Rogers brings together some of the men he saved in the HYDRA base and creates a team that will eventually be known as the Howling Commandos.
  • Period: to

    Captain America Leads the Howling Commandos

    Captain America, Bucky Barnes, and the Howling Commandos lead a campaign across Europe, destroying HYDRA laboratories and hunting down the Red Skull.
  • Capture of Arnim Zola and the Loss of Bucky Barnes

  • Battle in the Valkyrie

    Captain America attacks the HYDRA Headquarters. As Red Skull escapes in the Valkyrie, Captain America gains access to the plane and a fight ensues. Red Skull handles the Tesseract, which activates and sends him through a portal to the planet Vormir. There, he is stranded for over 70 years and tasked with guarding the Soul Stone until 2018. Rogers crashes the Valkyrie off the coast of Greenland so its bombs never reach the USA.
  • Captain America Missing

    The disappearance of Steve Rogers is publicly revealed.
  • SHIELD is founded

    Howard Stark recommences the plans to start S.H.I.E.L.D., this time with the help of Chester Phillips. Peggy Carter ends her work at the Strategic Scientific Reserve and becomes one of the founders.
  • The Winter Soldier Arises

    Arnim Zola is released from prison and recruited to S.H.I.E.L.D. as part of Operation Paperclip. Some time later, Zola and some former HYDRA agents track down Bucky Barnes, who survived the drop and was taken into custody by Soviet Union soldiers. Since that moment, they had kept Barnes frozen and alive, but missing an arm. Once he was found by Zola and his agents, they take him into their custody.