
Mayan History

  • 2600 BCE

    Mayan Begining

    Mayan Begining
    The Maya is one of the most known civilizations of Mesoamerica. Originally in Yucatan. They rose familiarity around 250 A.D.
    Although they originated around 2600 B.C.
  • 2000 BCE


    Starting around 2000 B.C. the Mayans were in the hunter-gather stage of there civilization. They gathered crops like maize (corn), beans, and other vegetables. The domestication of animals also started in dogs and turkeys.
  • 500 BCE

    Keeping Track of Time

    Keeping Track of Time
    The Mayan calendar has several different cycles or counts (kind of like our count 365 days in a year). They had different calendars used for longer and shorter periods of time. The Mayan Calendar dates the whole way back to the 500 B.C.
  • 250


    In 250 A.D. the Mayans had more than 40 cities.This included Tikal, Uaxactún, Copán, Bonampak, Dos Pilas, Calakmul, Palenque and Río Bec. The population eventually reached 2,000,000.
  • Period: 250 to 900

    Mayan Women

    From 250 A.D to 900 A.D. five women became queens of their city-states. This would usually happen if there husbands were rulers and then died, and they didn’t have a heir to the throne. It could also be if the King and his wife had perished and they had only a daughter, but it was very uncommon.
  • Period: 300 to 900

    Cultural Achievement

    During the years of 300-900 A.D. the mayans had more of cultural achievement.The Mayans made a complex, hierarchical society in different classes and jobs. Kings and centralized governments had their own territories to control but sometimes lost gain of that territory.
  • 400


    In 400 A.D. the atlatl, a spear like weapon the Mayans quickly adopted. They used this as their main long distance weapon. The Atlatl increased their accuracy, force, and range.
  • Period: 600 to 900


    Between 600 to 900 A.D. the Mayans often fought wars. This was surprising because archeologists thought the Mayan were peaceful people. Although the Mayans were fully capable to fight in wars.
  • 672

    Lady Snake Lord

    Lady Snake Lord
    Lady K’abel A.KA. Lady Snake Lord was a very important women. During 672-692 A.D. she was the military ruler of El Peru-Waka. Her being known as Lady Snake Lord tells us she was a member of the powerful nake dynasty of Calakmul.
  • 1000

    Checking Out!

    Checking Out!
    Mayans abandoned there cities by 1000 A.D. in bout the 9th century. This is about when the spanish arrived, and the Mayans lived separated and scattered all over. After that, the great Mayan cities were left behind and overgrown. Only four books out of 1500 years of writing are still around today.