101 maias

Maya Civilization

  • 2000 BCE

    The Rise of Early Maya Civilization

    The Rise of Early Maya Civilization
    This period marks the beginnings of Mayan civilization, with the development of small villages and agriculture, particularly in present day Guatemala and Mexico.
  • 750 BCE

    The Establishment of Major Cities

    The Establishment of Major Cities
    Nakbe and El Mirador began to emerge, along with pyramids, plazas, and ball courts.
  • 250

    The Start of The Classic Period

    The Start of The Classic Period
    A time of urban development, artistic flourishing, and the expansion of the cities Tikal, Palenque and Copan .
  • 562

    Tikals defeat by Calakmul

    Defeated in a battle that made a long period of rivalry between these 2 major powers during the classic period.
  • 683

    Death of Pakal the Great

    Ruler of Palenque, was essential in the expansion of cities.
  • 900

    The Collapse of Southern Maya (End of Class Period)

    Cities like Copan and Tikan were abandoned because of warfare, overpopulation, drought and low resources.
  • 987

    Founding of Chichen Itza

    Founding of Chichen Itza
    One of the most important cities in the Post Classic Period
  • 1224

    Decline of Chichen Itza

    Began to lose power around his this time, due to internal invasions and economical changes.
  • 1441

    Fall of Mayapan

    The last major capital of the Maya civilization, was abandoned after civil war.
  • Spanish Conquest of the Maya

    Spanish Conquest of the Maya
    The final city of Maya, Tayasal, fell to Spanish forces marking the end of the civilization until another 200 years later others will discover its remains.