Maya Angelou Life

  • Birth

    Born in St. Louis Missouri
    Had a very difficult childhood with divorced parents
    Raped at the age of 7 by her mother's boyfriend- she became mute from the trauma
  • Street Car Conductor

    After asking for weeks for the job of conducting a street car she was finally accepted.
    Showed the strength and courage that she had for her own power and rights.
  • San Francisco

    She would win a scholarship to study and dance at the California Labor School
  • Beginning of Acting Career

    Mid 1950's she would land her first big role in Porgy and Bess
  • First Album

    She would release her first album Miss Calypso
  • Time in Africa

    She would travel to Egypt and Ghana
    Worked as a freelance writer
    Became friends with Malcolm X
  • Organization of Afro-American Unity

    Started this with Malcolm X
  • Now I know why the Caged Bird Sings

    Urged by a friend and fellow writer to write about her life experiences
    This was the first nonfiction bestseller by an African-American Woman
    Was on the New York Time's best-seller list for two years, the longest time ever
  • Pulitzer Prize Nominated Poem

    "Just Give me a Drink of Water 'fore I Diie."
  • Tony Award Nomination

    Nominated for her role in the play Look Away
  • Emmy Award Nomination

    Nominated for her role in helping to produce Roots.
  • Presidential Medal of Arts

    President Bill Clinton awarded her this for all the writing and the impact she had on the arts
  • Death

    Several Memorials were held in her honor including one at Wake Forest University
    The Postal Service put a picture of her on a stamp in 2015