Marguerite Johnson Born in Saint Louis, MO
Becomes the 1st Black Female Cable Car Conductor
Gives birth to Son Clyde Guy Johnson
Maya married Tosh Angelos
1st Marriage ends
Maya Records 1st Album "Miss Calypso"
Joins the Harlem Writer's Guild
MLK requests Angelou to become Coordinator of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Moves to Cairo with Vusumzi Make and Son
Moves to Ghana so Guy could attend College
Published I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize
Published Gather Together in my Name
Pres. Jimmy Cart Appoints Angelou to The National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year
Named Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University
Recited her poem at Presidential Inauguration
Received Mother Teresa Award
Letter to my Daughter is Published
Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom