Máximo Di Leva - Personal Timeline 2n ESO A

By MDiLeva
  • My older brother was born on...

  • The 3rd millenium started in...

  • George W. Bush won the US election in...

  • Mars Odyssey was launched first on...

  • Submarine Kursk is found destroyed in...

  • The Twin Towers get attacked in...

  • Spain adopts the currency of Euros in...

  • Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in...

  • Youtube was launched by three former Paypal employees in...

  • I was born on...

  • I took my first step on...

  • My first day on Kindergarten

  • I first learned to read in...

  • Barack Obama gets chosen as the US president in...

  • I lost my first tooth at...

  • I was operated of appendicitis at...

  • I rode my bicycle in...

  • My cat died at...

  • I finished middle school in...

  • Pedro Sanchez dismissed Rajoy by motion of censure in...