maximilian kolbe

By lynzee
  • Kolbe's birth

    Kolbe was born January 8, 1894 in Zdunska Wola, Poland
  • being a missionary

    Kolbe traveled to Japan, where he spent several years being a missionary.
  • Start of concentration camps

    Concentration camps were made to take all the Jews and basically kill them but in a way that wasn’t trying to be evil but they wante to kill them they would only eat enough food to get them through the day and then work all day
  • Beginning of war

    Hitler invades Poland which marks the beginning of war
  • Kolbe's punishment

    Krott made Kolbe carry the heaviest planks he could find and made him carry them until he collapsed then beat him to death and left him in the mud to die.
  • kolbe's beating

    he had been beaten by pope paul
  • Germany invades

    Germany invades norway and Denmark
  • Volunteer Punishment

    Three prisoners had appeared to escaped from the camp so the commander ordered 10 men to be chosen to be starved to death in an underground bunker. After two weeks they all died besides Kolbe, due to dehydration and starvation.
  • Helping jews

    Kolbe was arrested for hiding Jewish people after being arrested he was sent to concentration camp.
  • Kolbe's death

    Right after his volunteer punishment after they found him alive they gave him a very deadly shot, lethal injection, and killed him instantly.
  • Declaring war

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and Germany declares war the next day
  • First killing

    The first killing operations begins at chelmo in Poland
  • after death

    After kolbe had died he spread courage for people to do amazing things
  • Deporting jews

    They deported 65,000 Jews to chelmo killing center
  • Death march

    Not ver long into the war there had already been 60,000 deaths from the concentration camps and so they marched
  • The ending

    Adolf Hitler committed suicide
  • End of the war

    Surrender of axis powers a week later Hitler committed suicide.