Maus project time line

  • My Grandmother is born

    My Grandmother is born
  • Moves to Guam

    Moves to Guam
    Moved to Guam because her father, who was in the Air Force, was stationed there
  • Moves back to the United States

    Moves back to the United States
    Moves from Guam to Maryland and stayed there for 3 years
  • Moves to Medford Mass

    Moves to Medford Mass
    Moves to Medford so her father could go to Harvard. At this time she was 5 years old and she went to kindergarten in Medford
  • Moves to Maryland

    Moves to Maryland
    She moves to maryland and lived there for 3 years. She was there for first, second and third grade. To go to school she had to take the public bus, which the school gave them a bus pass for. Picture is from first grade.
  • Moves to Germany

    Moves to Germany
    Takes the USS general upshur to get there and end up on the boat in the middle of a terrible storm where everyone was getting sick
  • Moves to Germany and lives in Furstenfeldbruck

    Moves to Germany and lives in Furstenfeldbruck
    Moves to Furstenfeldbruck Germany where she went to third grade and lived for half a year. Her father was stationed at Furstenfeldbruck Air Base
  • Moves to Bitburg Germany

    Moves to Bitburg Germany
    Moves to Bitburg Germany where she goes for 4th 5th and part of 6th grade
  • Moves to Worcester

    Moves to Worcester
    Moves back to the United States and lives in Worcester. Went to Jr. High school there for 6th 7th and 8th, and went to a different school in Worcester for 9th grade. Here uncle was stationed on the military in the cape and she got so see president Kennedy there.
  • Move to Montgomery Alabama

    Move to Montgomery Alabama
    Lived in Montgomery for her freshman year of high school. It was a very big segregated school for whites. When she was there she ran for class vice president, but did not end up wining. She was a catholic and when she told people that some of them were terrified.
  • Moves to Bell Texas

    Moves to Bell Texas
    Went to Bell high school for her sophomore year of high school. The school was very small and was half way between Dallas and Fort Worth. Her father was a pilot for bell helicopter at this time. There was nothing in Bell and they had to drive half an hour to go to church.
  • Spends summer with aunt in Newark New Jersey

    Spends summer with aunt in Newark New Jersey
    She stayed with her aunt in Newark so she could get a summer job.
  • Moves to Dayton Ohio

    Moves to Dayton Ohio
    When she was staying with her aunt in Newark, the rest of her family moved to Dayton.
  • Graduates high school

    Graduates high school
    Graduates from high school in Dayton Ohio
  • College

    Goes to the University of Dayton and lives at home during her first two years there.
  • Graduates from University of Dayton

    Graduates from University of Dayton
    Graduates from college in 1968
  • Gets married

    Gets married
  • Moves to maryland

    Moves to maryland
    She and her husband move to maryland to teach, but only live there for one year. Both were teachers and she was an elementary school teacher.
  • Moves to Wilton Connecticut

    Moves to Wilton Connecticut
    Moved to Wilton for husbands job
  • First child born

    First child born
    Jim (my dad) is born
  • Move to Ridgefield Connecticut

    Move to Ridgefield Connecticut
    Still live there today
  • Second child born

    Second child born
    Miriam (my aunt) is born
  • Third child born

    Third child born
    Tom (my uncle) is born