Chris Turco- Maus Project

  • Birth

    Lanas birthday!
  • Period: to

    The Life of Lana

  • Began Elementary School

    Began Elementary School
    Lana began school at Barn Hills School in Middle Town Connecticut.
  • Moved to West Hartford Connecticut

    Moved to West Hartford Connecticut
    The family picked up and moved to 43 Richmond Lane while Lana was still at a young age; for her father's job and for the better schools that were there.
  • First Pet Dog

    First Pet Dog
    Lana's first pet dog! Muffy the Cairn Terrier was introduced to the family.
  • Began Middle School

    Began Middle School
    Here in Connecticut, middle school began in the seventh grade. Lana attended King Phillip MS.
  • Went to the Bicentennial Celebration

    Went to the Bicentennial Celebration
    Went to the bicentennial celebration of the United States, Americas 200th birthday. In NYC the huge celebration consisted of fireworks, music, the tall ships, and all sorts of festivities
  • Graduated Highschool

    Graduated Highschool
    Lana finished High School at Hall HS.
  • College

    Lana begins her college career at George Washington University in Washington DC
  • Worked for the government

    Worked for the government
    Lana got the once in a lifetime opportunity with an internship with Barbra Kennelly a congresswoman who is shown in the picture.
  • Met Ted Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, and Joe Libermen

    Met Ted Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, and Joe Libermen
    At her internship, Lana was fortunate enough to meet some pretty amazing people in American History. Every time the president came or left the White House she would occasionally be able to go for a meet and greet, as she had friends in the white house. When she met Nancy Reagan she always remembered her beautiful blue jacket.
  • Lana Graduates College

    Lana Graduates College
    She successfully graduated with a double major in political science and English at George Washington, the picture shows the 2018 graduation.
  • Begins Business School

    Begins Business School
    Lana began and continued her studies at the Business School at George Washington University.
  • The Famous Muffy Passes

    The Famous Muffy Passes
    Muffy passed and became known as "DDM" or Dead Dog Muffy in the family tree.
  • Graduated from Business School and Moved to NYC

    Graduated from Business School and Moved to NYC
    Lana graduated from business and moved to NYC that very same day. For the first month, she slept on the floor of her grandmother's apartment in Bay Side Queens. She soon landed a job and moved out to live on her own, in 81st Street between 1st and York in a three-floor walkup. The photo was taken in New York in 1988.
  • First Real Job

    First Real Job
    She began working at Suny Down State, a hospital in New York, as an administrator, starting the first designated AIDs unit, meaning that when people were hospitalized they were put in a special unit.
  • Moved to the West Side

    Moved to the West Side
    Lana moved to 50 west 77th street, a perfect one bedroom overlooking the museum of natural history and colombus avenue.
  • Lana Hosts Thanksgiving Party

    Lana Hosts Thanksgiving Party
    Lana hosted a party at her apartment the night before thanksgiving to view the Macys day floats, which went right her street.
  • New Job!

    New Job!
    Lana worked as an administrator of ambulatory care and in the emergency room at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.
  • Love!

    Lana met Rick, her future husband, on a blind date her co-worker set up for them.
  • Got Engaged

    Got Engaged
    In Del Mar, California Rick popped the question and the couple got engaged.
  • Moved to Brookline

    Moved to Brookline
    Mama Lana reluctantly moved to Brookline Massachusets and ended up getting kicked out of her apartment three months later because of their cat.
  • Went to the premier of Batman

    Went to the premier of Batman
    Lana won tickets to go see the premier of batman with George Cloonie.
  • Got Married

    Got Married
    Rick and Lana got officially married in West Hartford Connecticut.
  • Met Shaq

    Met Shaq
    Lana met Sheqel O'Neil at the Four Seasons in Santa Barbra, California.
  • Lana and Rick have their first child

    Lana and Rick have their first child
    Remy is born!
  • Became a "Stay at home" Mom

    Became a "Stay at home" Mom
    Lana took a break off work to be home more, help around the house, and raise Remy.
  • Back to Work

    Back to Work
    After taking a long break from work, lana went back at it. She worked as a director of MGPO Dermatology Associates
  • Father Passes Away

    Father Passes Away
    Norman Bornstein, Lana's dad, passed away after his fight with Alzheimers.
  • Rescues a Cat

    Rescues a Cat
    Lana always liked to look online to see what animals there were nearby that need homes. Lana one day found out that there was a cat which was outside in the snow and being fostered by a woman down the street. Lana quickly called the woman and to this day has her cat as a companion.
  • 20th Wedding Anniversary

    20th Wedding Anniversary
    On September 14th, 2017, Lana and Rick had their 20th wedding aniversary. They went away for the weekend to Lana's favorite place in the world, New York City.