Maus 2 chapter 2

  • Aushwitz

    Vladek begins working as a tinman.
  • Concentration Camp

    Hungary Jews numbering 100,000 are gassed in Aushwitz
  • Concentration Camp

    100,000 Hungarian Jews are kllled in Gas Chambers (this is the end date)
  • Anja dies

    Anja killed herself with no note
  • vladek dies

    Artie's Dad dies
  • Maus 1 published

    Maus 1 is published
  • artie's book

    artie starts writing a new page
  • Book (Maus 2)

    Spiegleman works on Page 42 on this date in Maus 2
  • Artie's baby

    Francoise and Artie expect a baby
  • Nadja Mouly Spiegleman

    Artie's daughter is born