Mauryan Empire

  • 350 BCE

    Life of an Important Figure

    Life of an Important Figure
    Life of Kautilya, a very important historical figure. He was a statesman and philosopher, in addition to that he was a chief advisor. He than started working for Chandragupta, an Indian emperor.
  • 340 BCE

    Chandragupta subjugated the border states

     Chandragupta subjugated the border states
    Chandragupta decided to charge upon the Magadha Kingdom, with there army. After doing so he killed the king, who was hated by the residents of the kingdom. He took the throne in for himself, and rose to power
  • 326 BCE

    Beginning Of The Empire

    Beginning Of The Empire
    The Mauryan empire started after areas of India, came together. After the ruling of Chandragupta Maurya.
  • Period: 322 BCE to 185 BCE

    The Mauryan Empire

  • 321 BCE

    King of Magadha is killed

    King of Magadha is killed
    Dhana Nanda who is the king of Magadha gets killed. He was killed by Chandragupta Maurya.
  • 320 BCE

    Chandragupta seizes the throne

    Chandragupta  seizes the throne
    Chandragupta takes control of the throne of Magadhan empire he decides to enlarge the kingdom all over central and northern India
  • 305 BCE

    Treaty Signed

    Treaty Signed
    The emperor, Changragupta, signs a treaty with Seleucos I. This treaty accepted borders and gave Punjab to Chandragupta, in return getting 500 war elephants.
  • 305 BCE

    Chandragupta Defeats Selecus

    Chandragupta Defeats Selecus
    The Macedionian's try to expand their empire into India. Chandragupta conquers them and claims a very large portion of their territory. He expanded westward.
  • 298 BCE

    Chandragupta abandons the Throne

    Chandragupta abandons the Throne
    Chandragupta decides to resign from the throne, in honor of his son Bindusara. Chandragupta turned into a follower after leaving the throne, migrated south and starved himself to death.
  • 298 BCE

    New Emperor Bindusara

    New Emperor Bindusara
    A former ruler (Chandragupta's) son, Bindusara, rules and then expands and benefits the Mauryan Empire.
  • 273 BCE

    Bindusaras Son Takes Hold Of Throne

    Bindusaras Son Takes Hold Of Throne
    Bindusara son of Chandragupta dies, which leaves his son Asoka to them inherit the a throne, becoming the new ruler.
  • 268 BCE

    New Emperor Ashoka

    New Emperor Ashoka
    Ashoka becomes the new emperor of Maurya dynasty, located in India.
  • 262 BCE

    Ashoka Defeats a Region

    Ashoka Defeats a Region
    Ashoka defeats the region Kalinga. After that, he felt very sorry and guilty about how many people he had killed. He turned to non-violence quickly after.
  • 232 BCE

    Emperor dies

    Emperor  dies
    Ashoka the Indian ruler dies, causing the Mauryan empire to decline.
  • 187 BCE

    The end of the empire.

    The end of the empire.
    The successor's of Ashoka didn't have enough power or strength to keep the empire steady. The empire slowly started to decline little by little. Finally, 150 years later from when Chandragupta overthrew the Magadha king, the final Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha, got assassinated. He got turned on and assassinated by his own commander and chief, Pushyamitra Shunga.
  • 285

    Ashoka and Buddhism

    Ashoka and Buddhism
    Ashoka made the decision to convert to Buddhism, after he felt remorse for the conquest of Kalinga. Buddhism was a non-violence life style that involved peace on earth. This was the best decision for him to become less of an enemy and more of a friend. It was a very important turn point.