Mature Technology: The Telephone

By mkpyang
  • 1844

    Innocenzo Manzetti first had the idea of a speaking telegraph
  • 1854

    Charles Bourseul Published an article describing make and break type of telephone transmitter later created by Johann Reis
  • 1861

    Johann Philipp Reis demonstrated the telephone before the Physical Society of Frankfurt.
  • 1865

    La Feuille d’Asote reported rumors of telephones
  • 1876

    Alexander Graham Bell applies for improvement in telegraphy for electromagnetic telephones using amplitude modulation
  • 1890

    Early telephones were locally powered, using a transmitter
    The Candlestick phone was created
  • 1930

    Telephone sets were developed to combine the bell and coil.
    Cradle designs the handset phones.
    55 telephone models have been created
  • 1930

    The rotary dial phone was created
  • 1983

    Avanced mobile phone systems were created
  • Present

    Landline phones are still used today but many people have cell phones that are either touch screen or flip phones