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Matthew James Everingham

  • Matthew is Born

    Matthew is Born
    He is born in Yarmouth, Isle of Wright.
  • Two Law Books

    Two Law Books
    Matthew steals 2 Law Books and attempts to sell them for 10 shillings.
  • London Gaol Delivery

    London Gaol Delivery
    Matthew is Guilty and is sentenced to 7 years of transportation.
  • To New South Wales!

    To New South Wales!
    Matthew boards on the Scarborough and departs from Plymouth.
  • Disembarking the Scarborough

    Disembarking the Scarborough
    After a year, Matthew is disembarking for the first time. Although this isn’t the first time to see land on his voyage to New South Wales. It’s the first land he’s stepped on.
  • Marriage

    Matthew marries Elizabeth Rymes (Rimes).
  • Sentence Finished

    Sentence Finished
    Matthew finishes his scentence.
  • Period: to


    In this period of time, Matthew has 10 children!
  • Exploring The Blue Mountains

    Exploring The Blue Mountains
    Matthew is some of the first people to cross the Blue Mountains.
  • Matthew Dies

    Matthew Dies
    Matthew died in Lower Portland, Near Hawkesbury.
  • Period: to

    Parents Dead

    Matthew’s parents dies. It’s unknown. But it is confirmed that Matthew’s parents die after he dies in 1817.