Going to the Lead
Henson and Peary headed to the Big Lead where Barlett was waiting. -
Still at the Lead
Henson was still at the lead because they couldn't cross because the ice wastn't hard enough. -
Crossing the Lead
It was peaceful and the Big Lead was solid ice so then they crossed. -
Turning Back
There had been three explorers had gone home and now Rose Marvin is turning back. -
Jumping back Over
Peary and Henson caught up with Barlett by a lead and later in the night Barlett got seperated from the group and jumped back over. -
Barlett Turning Back
Barlett turned back because he knew Henson would make it to the pole. -
Barlett Disiapointed
Barlett was disapointed because he wasn't the one to make it to the pole. -
Moving Forward
Peary started out on foot then road on a sledge. -
The Rescue
Matt fell in the lead and the Ootah pulled him out. -
Getting There
Henson and Peary raced off again before midnight with 35 miles to go. -
At the Pole
Peary and Henson had returned to Cape Columbia had made it to the pole. -
The Roosevelt
The Roosevelt left New York heading to Cape Sheridain. -
The Presedent wishing Peary luck
At Oyster Bay,New York Presedient Theodor Roosevelt came on board to wish Peary luck. -
The Training
Matt began training the new men to drive dog sledges,building igloos, and to survive at Cape Sherdian. -
The Take off to the North Pole
Barlett,Peary,Henson,and Ooqueah headed to the North Pole from Cape Sherdian. -
Geting on the Trail
Barlett and Gorge Burup left Cape Columbia to get on there trail. -
Barlett Leaving
Henson the leader of the group waited for Peary's command to leave. -
The Cross
At 6:00 the next morning Peary took more ovservations and cris crossed an area of 8 by 10.