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matthew hannigan 2

  • Period: to

    events leading up to the US joining ww1

  • delaration of nutraility

    delaration of nutraility
    the us trys to stay nutral to stay out of the war and keep trade
  • the sinking of the Lusitania

    the sinking of the Lusitania
    this angered meny poepll ebecause germaan s where responceable for these deaths
  • Period: to

    sussex plelege lasted

    the plelge saying that german u boats cant shoot at un armed UD vessils
  • zimmermann note

    zimmermann note
    this was a note saying to mexico that if they attacted the us that they will get there land back
  • amrican ships where tageted by german u boats

    amrican ships where tageted by german u boats
  • the us dclares war

    the us dclares war