
Mattews holocaust timeline

  • Treaty of Versailles

    1.Lose Land
    2.Lose Military
    3.Pay back money to winners
  • Hitler On Trial

    Uses trial to give huge speech further blaming Jews for problems of Germany
  • Period: to

    Republic Government

    The President was a popular war hero named hindenburg
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Massive failurie
  • Hitler is named Chancellor

    Hitler gained support and worked his way up to Chancellor
    -eliminate political rivals to be head of Nazis
    -rising popularity of Nazis forces Hindenburg to give him some power.
  • Hitler Blames communists for fire

    Hitler sends people to burn the rastagburg
  • Enabling Act

    -Basically gives power of decision making to Hitler
    -Within a few months, all other political parties besides the Nazis were eliminated
    -This allowed Hitler to get rid of all his rivals
  • First Concentration camps set up, mostly for political prisoners

    Early on, the camps were for imprisonment and hard labor , not for killing
  • Nurmberg Laws

    Nazis needed a way to identify Jews so they could discriminate them
    Nurmberg Laws defined people with 3 or 4 Jewish Grandparents as "Jewish" and 1 or 2 as "Mixed Blood".
  • Germany Army moves into Austria and Germany

    to avoid war, other countries let them do it.
  • Kristallnacht

    in response to the murder of a German diplomat, orders are given to Nazi party members to riot against Jewish Businesses and homes....but make it look like a civilian uprising.
  • Germany Invades Poland (which has 3 million Jews in its population).

    WII Beings.
  • Nazis establish Ghettos

    Largest Ghettos were i cities like Warsaw or Lodz in Poland
  • Euthanasia Program Begins

    Euthanasia- Systemic killing of those Germans whom the Nazis deemed "unworthy of life " because of mental illness or physical disability
    Eventually, 80,000 people with disabilities will be killed
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    -Residents smuggled weapons in
    -Uprising lasted for about a month
    -SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising ended
  • Prisoners fought back at death camps..Treblinka Sobibor

    After stealing weapons from guards prisoners tried to escape.Most were killed but few dozen made it out and survived the war.
  • Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Members of the Sonderkommando working in the Crematoium fought SS guards killing over 70 but all 250 as well as 200 others were killed in response.
  • Death Marches

    -Allies advancing toward death camps
    -Nazis evacuate prisoners, march them into Germany to avoid capture
    -Brutal treatment and harsh conditions along the way
  • Nuremberg Trails

    The International community put a number of Germans on trail for War crimes Against Peace and crimes against humanity