Off to Cape Sheridan
The Roosevelt left New York heading to Cape Sheridan. -
Oyster Bay
At Oyster Bay, New York, President Theodore Roosevelt came on board to wish Peary luck. -
Training For the Expedition
Matthew began training his group at Cape Sheridan. He taught them dog driving, igloo building,and survival. Matthew also made the sledges,and the alcohol stoves. -
Off to the North Pole
The expedition were off to the North Pole. Each man took one special possession- Matthew took his Bible. -
First on the Trail
Bartlett and Borup left Cape Cplumbia to be the first on the trail, to see if it was safe. -
Henson Waits for Peary's Command
Matthew Henson is the leader of the main group,and he waited for Paery's command. -
Catching Up
At the Big Lead Henson and Peary caught up with Captin Bartlett. -
Waits at the Big Lead
The Expedition still waits at the Big Lead. Matt saw the sun come up. -
The Expedition Were Off Again
The Expedition hurried across the Big Lead, so the ice wouldn't crack. -
Ross Marvin Went Back
Ross Marvin went back. Henson shook hands with him. -
The Igloo is Floating away
Henson and Peary caught up with Bartlett and the Eskimos at another wide lead. So Henson and Peary built Peary's igloo. Henson heard great crushing. Bartlett's igloo was floating on a wide Lead. Bartlett leaped across the water. Bartlett was safe. -
Captin Bartlett went back
Captin Bartlett went back. He was disappointed not being the one to reach the North Pole, but he knew Henson should go. -
Peary marches
Peary first starts out on front foot. Then he rode on a sledge. The Expedition marched for ten hours. -
Fell Through the Ice
The Expedition came across a Lead with thin ice. While Henson rode across, the runners broke through. He yelled for help. Ootah pulled him out. -
Off Again
Before midnight Matthew, Peary, and the Eskimos were off again, they didn't stop until 10:00 A.M. They had 35 miles to go. -
They made it
Henson, Peary, and the Eskimos reached the Norh Pole. Then they placed the United State flag. -
Worn Out
Henson, Peary, and the Eskimos got back safely to Cape Columba. Henson, Peary, and the Eskimos were all worn out.