Matt Gregston-American Revolution Battles

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    American Revolution Battles

    American Revolution Battles
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord
    Battle is most known as the one that kicked off the American Revolution. The most known detail of this battle was the "shot heard round the world," which signified the start of the war. This battle took place in Massachusetts. It also led to a Colonial victory over the British.
  • The Siege of Fort Ticonderoga

    The Siege of Fort Ticonderoga
    The capture of Fort Ticonderoga occurred during the American Revolutionary War on May 10, 1775 in New York. A small force of Green Mountain Boys led by Ethan Allen and Colonel Benedict Arnold surprised and captured the fort's small British garrison. This was a huge success for the Colonists.
  • The Battle of Chelsea Creek

    The Battle of Chelsea Creek
    The Battle of Chelsea Creek was the second military engagement of the Boston campaign of the American Revolutionary War. The battle took place in Suffolk County in Massachusetts. The Battle of Chelsea Creek ended in victory for the American colonists it was also the first naval engagement of the Revolutionary War.
  • The Battle of Bunker (Breeds) Hill

    The Battle of Bunker (Breeds) Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought on June 17, 1775, during the Siege of Boston in the early stages of the American Revolutionary War. The battle is named after Bunker Hill in Charlestown, Massachusetts, which was peripherally involved in the battle. It also ended in a British victory over the Colonies.
  • The Battle of Quebec

    The Battle of Quebec
    The Battle of Quebec was fought on December 31, 1775, in Quebec City (modern day Canada) between American Continental Army forces and the British defenders of Quebec City early in the American Revolutionary War. The battle was the first major defeat of the war for the Americans.
  • The Battle of Long Island

    The Battle of Long Island
    The Battle of Long Island is also known as the Battle of Brooklyn and the Battle of Brooklyn Heights. It took place in New York and led to an British victory which gave them control of the strategically important city of New York.
  • The Battle of White Plains

    The Battle of White Plains
    The Battle of White Plains was a battle in the New York and New Jersey campaign of the American Revolutionary War fought on October 28, 1776, near White Plains, New York. It took place in New York and led to a British victory.
  • The Battle of Fort Washington

    The Battle of Fort Washington
    The Battle of Fort Washington was a battle fought in New York on November 16, 1776 during the American Revolutionary War between the United States and Great Britain. It was a British victory that gained the surrender of the remnant of the garrison of Fort Washington near the north end of Manhattan Island.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    The Battle of Trenton was a small but pivotal battle during the American Revolutionary War which took place on the frigid cold morning of December 26, 1776, in Trenton, New Jersey. The Colonists used a surprise attack on the Hessians who were intoxicated and not paying attention to their surroundings. The plan took longer as expected and some died on the boat ride across the Deleware River from the temperatures.
  • The Battle of Princeton

    The Battle of Princeton
    The Battle of Princeton was a battle of the American Revolutionary War, fought near Princeton, New Jersey on January 3, 1777. General Lord Cornwallis had left 1,400 British troops under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Charles Mawhood in Princeton. This battle led to an American victory
  • The Battle of Oriskany

    The Battle of Oriskany
    The Battle of Oriskany on August 6, 1777 was one of the bloodiest battles in the North American theater of the American Revolutionary War and a significant engagement of the Saratoga campaign. The battle took place in New York and led to 558 casualties between both sides. The battle resulted in a British victory.
  • The Battle of Bennington

    The Battle of Bennington
    The Battle of Bennington was a battle of the American Revolutionary War, part of the Saratoga campaign, that took place on August 16, 1777, in Walloomsac, New York, about 10 miles from its namesake Bennington, Vermont. The battle ended in a Colonial and Vermont victory over the British.
  • The Battle of Brandywine

    The Battle of Brandywine
    The Battle of Brandywine, also known as the Battle of Brandywine Creek, was fought between the American Continental Army of General George Washington and the British Army of General Sir William Howe on September 11, 1777. The battle took place in Pennsylvania and resulted in a British victory.
  • The Battle of Saratoga (Freeman's Farm)

    The Battle of Saratoga (Freeman's Farm)
    In September of 1777, American troops were firmly ensconced in defensive positions near the Hudson River and the battle took place in New York. British General John Burgoyne divided his 7,500 men into three columns to probe the American defenses. Ultimately, the British Army held the field, but the action had slowed their forward momentum, and they chose to dig in and await reinforcements.
  • The Battle of Germantown

    The Battle of Germantown
    The Battle of Germantown was a major engagement in the Philadelphia campaign of the American Revolutionary War. It was fought on October 4, 1777, at Germantown, Pennsylvania, between the British Army led by Sir William Howe, and the American Continental Army, with the 2nd Canadian Regiment, under George Washington. The battle ended in a British victory.
  • The Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights)

    The Battle of Saratoga (Bemis Heights)
    The forces met at Bemis Heights (in New York), a densely wooded plateau south of Saratoga. Arnold played a major role in the attack, charging to the front and leading the American forces in battle. They drove the British forces back to their camp, again inflicting heavy losses and this battle is known as the turning point of the war.
  • The Battle of Monmouth

    The Battle of Monmouth
    The Battle of Monmouth was an American Revolutionary War battle fought on June 28, 1778, in Monmouth County, New Jersey. The battle ended in a tactical draw, but George Washington saw it as a strategic defeat. A very well known figure from this battle was Mary Ludwig Hayes (also referred to as Molly Pitcher) who aided the Colonial soldiers by giving them water and at one point in the battle fought for the Colonial side.
  • The Capture of Savannah

    The Capture of Savannah
    The Capture of Savannah, or sometimes the First Battle of Savannah, was an American Revolutionary War battle fought on December 29, 1778. The battle took place in Georgia and it was one of the costliest battles of the Revolutionary War in terms of casualties.
  • The Siege of Charleston

    The Siege of Charleston
    The Siege of Charleston was a major engagement fought in South Carolina. The 1780 siege of Charleston was a decisive success for the British during the War of the American Revolution as they shifted their strategy to focus on the southern theater.
  • The Battle of Camden

    The Battle of Camden
    The Battle of Camden was one of several devastating defeats suffered by the Americans in the early stages of the British military offensive in the South. After capturing Charleston in May 1780, British forces under General Charles Lord Cornwallis established a supply depot and garrison at Camden. The Battle of Camden was fought in South Carolina and was a major victory for the British in the Southern theater of the American Revolutionary War.
  • The Battle of King's Mountain

    The Battle of King's Mountain
    The Battle of Kings Mountain was a military engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War. The battle resulted in a decisive victory for the Colonists.
  • The Battle of Cowpens

    The Battle of Cowpens
    The Battle of Cowpens was an engagement during the American Revolutionary War fought on January 17, 1781, between Colonial forces and British forces. The battle took part of the campaign in the Carolinas as it was fought in South Carolina. The result of the battle was a decisive Colonial victory.
  • The Battle of Guilford Courthouse

    The Battle of Guilford Courthouse
    The Battle of Guilford Court House was fought on March 15, 1781 during the American Revolutionary War. The battle took place in North Carolina and ended in both sides withdrawing which gave the British a tactical defeat and the Colonists a strategic defeat.
  • The Battle of Eutaw Springs

    The Battle of Eutaw Springs
    The Battle of Eutaw Springs was one of the hardest fought and bloodiest battles of the Revolution and proved to be the last major engagement of the war to take place in the South. The battle was fought in South Carolina and ended in a British tactical victory and Colonial strategic victory.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown was an extremely significant battle in the war and it took place in Virginia. The British army was decimated and the Revolutionary war was virtually over. The significance of the conflict was that Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington as French and American forces trapped the British at Yorktown which virtually ended the war.