Period: to
Modern German History
Frederick I Crowned King of Prussia
Frederick I crowns himself the King of Prussia -
War of the Austrian Succession
Sileasean Wars Begin
Seven Years War
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Born
Ludwig van Beethoven Born
French Revolution Begins
Battle of Nations, Battle of Leipzig
Congress of Vienna
Karl Marx Born
First kindergarten opened by Frobel
Revolutions of 1848 in the German States
Austro-Prussian War
Franco-Prussian War
Crowning of Wilhelm I as German Emperor
Congress of Berlin
Albert Einstein Born
Berlin Conference
Dividing up of Africa by European Powers -
Adolf Hitler Born in Austria
Schlieffen Plan Created
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Spartacist Uprising
Treaty of Versailles
Weimar Republic Begins
Problems with German Inflation
Beer Hall Putsch
Germany joins League of Nations
Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
Reichstag Fire
Death of Hindenberg
German occupation of Austria -
Invasion of Poland
Beginning of WWII -
Germans take Paris
Battle of Britain
Battle of Stalingrad
D-Day Invasion
Victory in Europe Day
Potsdam Conference
Blockade of Berlin
Deutsche Mark Introduced
German Democratic Republic formed
Federal Republic of Germany formed
West Germany joins NATO
East Germany joins Warsaw Pact
Berlin Wall is erected
German Student Movement
Four Power Agreement on Berlin
Munich Massacre at 1972 Olympics
East and West Germany join United Nations
Helmut Kohl becomes Chancellor
Fall of Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall Falls
Pope Benedict XVI consecrated
Angela Merkel elected as Chancellor
First Woman Chancellor of German Government -
Max Planck Born