Matching Banquet
Cassia, whom just turned seventeen, attends the banquet that matches her up with a partner to spend the rest of her life with and to start a family. Her match is Xander, who has been Cassia's best friend since they were little. After the Banquet, Cassia goes home to go through the microcard with Xander's information that she is provided with. -
The Microcard
When Cassia arrived home to look at her microcard, she was shocked. The face that was suppose to be Xander's, was actually Ky! Ky Markham was adopted rom an outer Province by the Markham family and was labeled as an abberation. An official met with Cassia telling her it was only a glitch in the system or a hacker and it was nothing to worry aboout. Still, Cassia felt like there was more than what the official was tellling her. -
The 80th Birthday
Two weeks later, Cassia's grandfather, who she is very close with, turns eighty and he will have to die. Why? In this society, all who turn eighty dies on their birthday and will be reincarnated again in the future. On his deathbed, he hands Cassia a note that contained a forbidden poem and tells her to use her own words to create something wonderful. Cassia tells him about the incident with Ky beacsue she felt like he was the only one she can trust. -
The Hikes
Cassia joins a group to go hiking on the hill in the community. When Cassia finds herslef alone in the woods, she opens up the note her grandfather gave her with the poem written on it. Cassia hears the others coming and quickly raced to the top. There, she is confronted by Ky who tells her he was what she was reading. Together, they make an agreement. They will both memeorize the poem and destroy the note but in return, Ky has to teach Cassia how to write. Cassia and Ky get closer, -
Trouble Brewing
Trouble starts soon after Cassia starts hanging out with Ky. Cassia's father gets reprimanded for losing Grandfather's tissue sample, which Cassia later learns he deliberately destroyed—because Grandfather wanted to die on his own terms. Cassia's mother is called away on several suspicious work trips. Then Cassia's close friendship with Ky catches the attention of Officials d Cassia's forbidden from seeing Ky. The only catch is that now she is in love with him. -
The Sortment
since Cassia is the best one at her sorting job, she is chosen for this special task to sort the nutritional workers to determine who gets to move up into the higher ranks and who gets to remain the same. Ky, who is one of the workers, is chosen by Cassia to move into the "higher rankings". It meant that she would never see Ky agian. Unfortunatley, the community finds out it was a death sentence instead and the officials forces everyone take a red tablet that erases their memory. Except Cassia. -
The Great Escape
Everyone except Cassia takes the pill, but we later find out that Xander is immune to the pill. With the help of Xander who provides Cassia with supplies, and her family who helps her escape from the Oria Province, she waits until the right moment to escape. -
The Move
Cassia and her family are sent to the outer perimeter to work as farmers and Cassia's father sends her to the Outer Province because she is " showing signs of rebellion", but in reality it's just so Cassia can find a way to search for Ky. -
The End?
The book leaves off with Cassia holdinng the las tpiece of infromation Ky sent her on a napkin and that he knows his real life is with her; he's shared his story with her; he loves her. Cassia vows to find him someday again.