Mastery Journey Timeline

  • Enrolled in Full Sail University Master of Fine Arts Public Relations Program

    Enrolled in Full Sail University Master of Fine Arts Public Relations Program
    Month 1: Mastery Personal Development & Leadership. Identifid my life's task
    Created a strategic plan for following through on my goals
  • Month 2: Public Relations in a Digital World

    Month 2: Public Relations in a Digital World
    Understand how the internet and digital media plays a role in shaping the public relations and communications industry.
  • Writing For Interactive Media

    Learn how to convey a compelling story to my audience through narrative writing.
  • Full Sail Navigator School

    I will have successfully have completed the leadership program,.
  • Legal Aspects of Media

    Be able to identify the key legal issues created from expansive technology.
  • Innovative Public Relations Tools & Resources

    Be able to properly utilize and search for available resources to better assist future clientele.
  • Social Media Metrics & ROI

    Social Media Metrics & ROI
    Successfully be able to track, measure, and report on various social media metrics.
    Be able to read and explain qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Market & Consumer Research Analysis

    Market & Consumer Research Analysis
    Be able to properly identify my audience in corporate communications.
  • Media Relations

    Media Relations
    Understand the history behind journalism and how it relates to the public relations industry
  • Events Marketing & Production

    Be able to research, create, and properly execute an event from concept to cleanup.
  • Reputation Management Strategies

    Reputation Management Strategies
    Learn how to deal with arising issues to protect the brand of companies, and clients.
  • The Online Media Room

    The Online Media Room
    Be able to manage the applications that create a home source for all media relations.
  • FINAL Project

    FINAL Project
    Be able to incorporate all of the information learned in my studies , and translate it into a successful career in corporate communications and reputation management.
  • Use the skills I've learned In the Program.

    Begin my career POST graduation.
  • Graduation

    Completion of my Masters degree
  • Open My Own PR Firm

    Open my own brand communications firm by my 30th birthday.