
Stephanie Heidorn Master Plan Timeline

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    IAP - investigated from which sources within the Cincinnati Zoo guests obtained 'go green' messaging during their visit
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    CEL - mapped science & nature programs for young children in Cincinnati, Ohio. Public education programming is a potential area that I could see myself pursuing to spread the message of ways to change behaviors to benefit the environment.
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    IAP - investigated allelopathy between an invasive plant species vs a native one; advocated for invasive honeysuckle removal within neighborhood by creating an infographic that I shared on Nextdoor.
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    Synthesis paper - explored links between biodiversity loss and human disease trends. While not directly tied in to my current MP plans, raising public awareness of the importance of biodiversity is still in the back of my mind as a theme to pursue.
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    Prezi presentation - explored pitfalls of single-use plastics and provided community (shared with neighbors on Nextdoor ) with alternatives to using them
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    Barrows Lectures

    Broadened my horizons by examining the work of other conservationists.
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    Rumpke tour

    Toured Rumpke landfill site to gain knowledge of the landfill process and how it affects my community.
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    Wild Encounters conservation messaging meeting

    Attended a meeting to provide input on ways to incorporate more conservation messaging into the animal chats done by the Wild Encounters team at the Cincinnati Zoo.
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    Currently hammering out details for my Master Plan.
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    Life Change Project - I am going to share results of my car emissions reduction project with drivers ed classes in my community and challenge those in my workplace to reduce their speeds as well to reduce emissions. Also, as a result of one of the assignments, I am going to pursue working with the principal at my son's school to reduce vehicle idling in the school parking lot.
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    Plans to collaborate with Green Umbrella

    It is a high priority on my To Do list to attend some Green Umbrella meetings to become more involved in the variety of projects they work on.
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    Taking Fall 2017
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    Taking Fall 2017 - maybe pursue an IAP that examines human behavior in regard to pro-environmental choices
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    Student Leader (application being reviewed)

    (Occurring here or during Spring 2018 semester) - Hone leadership skills by working with AIP students. Strong leadership is a trait that will benefit me no matter what final topic my MP takes, but will be especially useful for public engagement and/or public educational programs.
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    Taking Spring 2018
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    Taking Spring 2018 - hoping to publish work somewhere that discusses how small changes on the part of individuals really does add up to large positive environmental impacts
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    Student Leader (application being reviewed)

    (Occurring here or during Fall 2017 semester) - Hone leadership skills by working with AIP students. Strong leadership is a trait that will benefit me no matter what final topic my MP takes, but will be especially useful for public engagement and/or public educational programs.
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    EE - Paraguay

    I would like to apply for the Earth Expeditions course to Paraguay because central themes of the course involve collaborative leadership and community-based conservation, and students play a role in developing an Eco-leadership program in Paraguay. What I learn here can be applied to my own community, enhancing my ability to reach out to locals to facilitate pro-environmental change.
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    Taking Fall 2018 - pulling my MP all together!
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    EE Fall course

    (Hopefully) taking Fall 2018 - course and IAP that will tie in with my MP.