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Mass Media Timeline

By IlwadA
  • 1 CE

    Pre-Industrial Age

    Pre-Industrial Age
    1041: Movable Clay type printing in China 1440: The First Printing Press in the world by German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg 1477: First Printed advertisement in a book by William Caxton
  • 1 CE

    Industrial Age (1700 to 1930)

    1774: Invention of Electric Telegraph by George Louis Lesage 1829: Invention of Typewriter by W.S. Burt 1876: Invention of Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell 1877: Invention of the phonograph by Thomas Alva Edison 1894: Invention of Radio by Guglielmo Marconi 1918: First colour movie shot Cupid Angling 1920: Invention of TV by John Logie Baird 1923: The first news Magazine was Launched - TIME 1927: First TV transmission by Philo Farnsworth
  • 1 CE

    Electronic Age (1930s to 1980s)

    Electronic Age (1930s to 1980s)
    1940: Community Antenna Television system, Early cable 1950: Black and White TV came out and became mainstream 1960: Rise of FM Radio 1963: Introduction of Audio Cassettes 1972: Email was developed by Ray Tomlinson 1973: First handheld Mobile Phone by John Mitchel, and Martin Cooper 1975: Introduction of VCRs 1981: IBM Personal Computer is introduced 1985: Microsoft Windows is launched 1986: MCI Mail - First Commercial Email Service
  • 1829

    1829: Invention of Typewriter by W.S. Burt
  • Golden Age

    Golden Age
    The early 1900’s: Starting of the Golden Age for Television, Radio and Cinema
  • TIME

    1923: The first news Magazine was Launched - TIME
  • 1960: Rise of FM Radio

    1960: Rise of FM Radio
    1960: Rise of FM Radio
    FM radio was developed in the United States by Edwin Armstrong. During the 1930s, there were a small number of experimental (known as "Apex") stations attempting to broadcast high fidelity audio using wide-bandwidth AM on VHF frequencies.
  • 1972

    1972: Email was developed by Ray Tomlinson
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    1985: Microsoft Windows is launched
  • Evolution of New Media (21st Century)

    Evolution of New Media (21st Century)
    The 1990s to 2000s: Invention of the Internet, Birth of Social Networking Sites, and Emergence of Social Media. 1991: World Wide Web came into being by Sir Timothy John-Berners Lee 1995: Microsoft Internet Explorer was launched 1997: DVDs replaced VCR 2001: Instant Messaging Services 2002: Satellite Radio is launched 2004: Facebook 2005: Youtube 2006: Twitter 2007: Tumblr 2010: Instagram