
Mass Media

  • KDKA created

    KDKA created
    On November 2nd, 1920 in Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania, KDKA, the first commercial radio station was created.
  • Period: to

    Mass Media

  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin
    A successful actor, director, writer, and music composer during the silent movie era. Charlie Chaplin. Posed as a drunk and nicknamed the "Little Tramp", Chaplin was one of the early movie goers favorites.
  • BBC is formed

    BBC is formed
    BBC was a daily news broadcaster.
  • Chain Broadcasting

    Chain Broadcasting
    AT&T links the first two radio stations to create a network called chain broadcasting.
  • Greta Garbo

    Greta Garbo
    Was famous in America for the movie she starred in called,"The Torrent".Garbo represented a new type of Hollywood actress, and her style changed the course of american fashion.
  • Douglas Fairbanks

    Douglas Fairbanks
    Silent movie star. Teamed up with Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin and D.W. Griffith and launched the United Artists. Acted as "swashbucklers" like Robin Hood in the 1920s.
  • Buster Keaton

    Buster Keaton
    Famous Film maker made many slapstick films. Well known for creating silent films.
  • First mechanical television

    First mechanical television
    John Logie Baird publicy demonstrates the first mechanical television system in London. Allowed people to watch shows from their home. First shows were Vaudeville acts.
  • Federal Radio Act

    Federal Radio Act
    Government body that regulated radio use in the United States. Stated the equal time rule which ordered stations to give equal opportunities for political candidates.
  • Harold Lloyd

    Harold Lloyd
    Comedian and star of silent film era, appeared in "Just Nuts", "Girl Shy" and "The Freshman".
  • First Academy Awards

    First Academy Awards
    Hosted by Douglas Fairbanks, tickets were 5 dollars, and the ceremony lasted 15 minutes. The Academy awards created a new view on acting, meaning that people now rated actors or could really say one was better than the other. It created a competition.