5000 BCE
Communication has existed since human beings are in this world. We are social beings since we are born.
Thousands of years ago, humans communicated through signals, paints, or noises. -
3300 BCE
Ancient History
Writing invention occurred in this period and also "the beginnig of history". -
Information controlled by the church.
All the information is received through a filter, the one of the Catholic Church, which imposed a theocratic system. -
Jan 1, 1439
Printing Press
The invention of the printing press by Hand-operated presses. In Renaissance Europe, the arrival of mechanical movable type printing introduced the era of mass communication which permanently altered the structure of society -
Jan 1, 1500
Information changed from handwriting to printing. -
Appear the first periodic forms and those that soon will be the audiovisual means. The first distinction between information and communication is also made. -
Industrial Revolution
Important inventions for social communication and for the world: Invention of telegraph, Industrial printing presses, telephone and photography. -
Beginning of TV
A man named Paul Nipkow figured out how to send multiple pictures through wires. He used a rotating disk to move the pictures. -
People began to study the process of social communication as communication technologies developed. Also,
the first "television" was seen at the 1900 World Fair in Paris. -
Earlier Studies of Mass Communication
In the early twentieth-century work by Charles Horton, Walter Lippmann, and John Dewey have been of particular importance for the academic discipline as it stands today. Communication is saw as "the mechanism through which human relations exist and develop". -
Beginning of "Communication" term
Pioneers like Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Harold Lasswell, and Wilbur Schramm did a lot of studies for social communication. Universities combined scholars of speech and mass media together under the term communication, which turned out to be a difficult process. -
Expansion of communication studies.
Associations related to Communication Studies were founded or expanded. In the early 1960s, Communication Studies began to be more independent and move out of the departments of sociology, political science, psychology, and Lenguage. Communication became a relevant issue in human and social science, leading to centrality of communication in social theories. -
Different sectors of communication.
Speech Criticism combined with other sectors such as journalism and broadcasting to form of Communication Studies. -
More graduated people
The degree started growing a lot because of the modern age we are living full of technology and masive communication all the time. Poeple started studying Mass Communication to become proffesionals a Radio or TV Announcers, Repórters, PR Specialists, Editors, Journalists, Writers and Authors.