
  • First navy in the US(-6)

    In 1775 the 1st navy forms in the US
  • A important bridge (or not so important)is built(-5)

    The Bosporus Bridge was built in 1973.It connected Asia and Europe
  • Parents were married(-4)

    My parents were married happily on apr 1st 1998
  • parents 1st anniversy(-3)

  • My sister was born(1)

    My sister is now 14 and she is in early college.
  • Cousin is born(-2)

  • When I was born (0)

  • Dad is deployed(-1)

    When I was born a few days/months later my father was deployed.It was around november 13th.
  • 8th birthday first dog (2)

    I got my first dog that was my very own
  • Middle school(4)

    Getting into Middle school has been my greatest accomplishment yet.
  • Around my 13th football practice i believe(3)

    We had football practice just 4 days before the game first game we have is on sunday