Mary Wollstonecraft

  • Marys Birth

    Marys Birth
    Mary Wollstonecraft was born on April 27, 1759, in London, United Kingdom. Her parents were Edward John Wollstonecraft and Elizebeth Dixon.
  • Childhood

    Mary was the oldest of 8 kids and was the only one that got an education. Mary had a rough childhood with her dad being both verbally and physically abusive.
  • Marys first job

    Marys first job
    Mary's first job was being the companion of Widow Sarah Dawson. This was the first thing she had done on her own in England. The experience influenced her views on women were treated
  • Opened a School

    Opened a School
    Mary with her sister Eliza and friend Fanny opened an all-girls school in 1784 in London. The school gave Mary a reputation for representing women's rights and education.
  • First Piece

    First Piece
    Mary published her first piece "Thoughts on the education of daughters". She talked about how she thought women should get an education from when they are born to when they get married.
  • Mary publishes childrens book

    Mary publishes childrens book
    Mary published "Original Stories from Real Life". She used it to support the idea that women can get an education. The story is about 2 little girls getting taught by a teacher.
  • Vindication on the Rights of Man

    Vindication on the Rights of Man
    Mary published her first work called "Vindication on the Rights of Man". In response to Edmund Burke's "Reflection on the Revolution in France".
  • Mary moves to France

    Mary moves to France
    Mary moved to France in the middle of the great revolution. She moved so that she could spread her ideas on women's rights. Although many didn't want her to go, because Britain and France were at the bridge of war.
  • Britain declared war on France

    Britain declared war on France
    Britain declared war on France putting British thinkers in danger. Mary barely escaped back to Britain. Shortly after Mary wrote a Historical and Moral view of the French Revolution.
  • Death

    Mary Wollstonecraft died on September 10, 1797, in London, United Kingdom at the age of 38. She dies from complications after giving birth to her second child. She was buried at Old Saint Pancras Churchyard in London, England.