Mary's Timeline

  • Infancy

    Mary was born to a teenage mother. Her mother was not ready for the responsibilities of becoming a parent so young, and in turn often ignored Mary's cries for help, leading Mary to become a quiet, withdrawn baby. In Erikson's first stage, trust vs. mistrust, infants either begin to form a basic sense of trust from their needs being met, or a sense of mistrust due of others and their caregiver, that can produce a negative out look on life.
  • Early Childhood

    Early Childhood
    Mary hears that a Summer circus is coming to town, and asks her mother to take her this Saturday so that she can see her favorite animal, an elephant. Her mother tells Mary that she hasn't done anything to deserve going this weekend, and she won't be able to go. In Erikson's third state, initiative vs. guilt, children either gain a sense of initiative when they are supported and encouraged in their activity planning capabilities, or they develop a sense of guilt if dismissed or discouraged.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Middle Adulthood
    Mary grows up and marries a nice man with whom she starts a family. Her young daughter sees that a circus is coming to town, and Mary enthusiastically agrees that they should go together. In Erikson's seventh stage, generatively vs. stagnation, the adult either focuses on how to help care and provide for the next generation or they focus on their own needs, resulting in stagnation.