birth and family
Mary Mackillop was born into a poor family in Fitzroy She has 8 siblings and mother and father. Called Flora and Alexander Mackilop -
first work
At 16 Mary went out to work to provide for her family . 2 years later she worked with her uncle's children . Because her family needed money . -
Mary's First school
Mary Mackillop build a josephites school in 1865 it then opened in 1866 this was her first school and it was the first school free of charge. -
becoming a leader
The sisters of saint Joseph detecated her life to be teaching the poor . Mary took her vows becoming the orders first. sister and its leader. she was only 25 years old . -
Out and in of the church
Mary was alleged insubordination but Bishop Sheil was gravely ill and dying on his deathbed . He insisted Mary will absolved restored to her order. -
Becoming a sister
Within 4 years of Mary becoming a sister there were 130 sisters of saint joseph. -
Going to Rome
Mary travelled to Rome for a own audience with the pope Pius IX for the approval of the sisterhood . -
Mary being accused
Mary was accused of being a alcoholic because she she drank brandy to relieve severe pain she then lived to Sydney for the last 25 years of her life . -
Mary's last years
Before Mary died she had a stroke in 1902 .she was stuck in a wheelchair for the last 7 years of her life . -
becoming a saint
Mary was beatified on the 19 January then in 2010 they found the next miracle that made Mary Mackilop the first Australian saint