Mary Mackillop was born in Melbourne in a small town called fixer lond 1842. She was the oldest of her 8 siblings.When she was 16 she supported her younger brothers and sisters. -
1860 at the age of 18 Mary MacKillop left Melbourne to work in Penola as a governess for her Uncle Alexander Cameron. The Camerons were among the first settlers in the district and lived in a slab homestead overlooking a lagoon on the sprawling Penola Station. -
Catholic school
In 1866 Father tenison woods and Mary Mackillop started the first free catholic school when they walked by parents would close their door because they didn’t want them to be catholic. -
By mid-January 1870 the Josephites were teaching at St Mary’s School South Brisbane and by July they had opened three more schools two in Brisbane and the other one in the country town of Maryborough and they had 130 sisters of saint -
Excommunicated by the church
The result was that Mary was excommunicated by Bishop Sheil on 22 September 1871 for alleged insubordination; most of the schools were closed and the Sisterhood almost disbanded. The excommunication was removed on 21 February 1872 by order of the bishop nine days before he died. -
In 1873 she went to rome to visit the pope to get papal approval from the pope.Mary Mackillop visited the pope so that she could keep going with her church. -
Mary Mackillop suffered from a stroke in 1902 and the bishop came to visit her while she was dieing because he knew he made a mistake excommunicating her. -
In 1909 8, of August she died. She was baried in Sydney's historic Gore Hill Cemetery and then she was transferred to a newly built Mary Mackillop chapel in the grounds of North Sydney convent where she last lived -
The becoming of the saint
Person lived a life of heroic virtue they can then be called venerable Then they have to beformed two miracles saint this is being beatified she was beatified in 1995. Mary passed the first one easy but the second one was harder to prove.