Mary Ludwig Hays

  • Birth

    Mary was born this year
  • Period: to

    Mary Ludwig Hays life

    Mary's life span
  • Marriage

    Mary gets married to William Hays. He had convinced her to join the army and gave her the nickname of Molly Pitcher. Her husband was on of the most influential people in her life.
  • First joins the army

    First joins the army
    Mary first joined the army as a nurse. They followed the troops around and would tend to the wounded. This group was run by Martha Washington.
  • Enlists

    Mary enlisted to carry water to the soldiers in Monmouth Battle. She would run in and out of the battle zone. Her job was crucial because the fighting soldiers
  • Battle of Monmouth

    Battle of Monmouth
    The day of Mammoth battle. As she was carrying water to the soldiers, she saw her husband collapse on the field. She ran in and armed his canon for the rest of the war. She was shot, but continued to fight.
  • Mary meets Washington

    Mary meets Washington
    After the battle of Monmouth, George Washington approached Mary and thanked her for her work. He asked her to continue fighting in the war. She agreed and fought for the rest of the war
  • Her husband passed away

    Her husband passed away
    Her husband passed away this year from battle wounds. He had left her a large sum of money and land. A few years later she was re-married to John McCauley
  • McCaulney runs away

    McCaulney runs away
    Her new husband disappeared with her money. She moved to Carlisle Pennsylvania. She worked as a servant for the rest of her life
  • She's rich

    She's rich
    Mary was recognized by the Pennsylvania Legislature. She was rewarded $40 a year for life. This made he very rich.
  • Passing

    Mary passed away on January 22nd, 1832. Se was 77 years old. She wasn't recognized for her death. At the time
  • Statue

    Mary gets a statue put over her grave. This marker haas helped prove that she was a real person. Her legacy has also been remembered.