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Mary Branham

  • Mary was born on 1770

    Mary was born on 1770
  • Mary

    Mary was caught stealing clothing of the value of 39 shillings
  • Mary

    Mary was trialled at the old Bailey on the 8 of December
  • Mary

    Mary was sentenced to transportation for 7 years at the age of 17 on the lady Penrhyn Mary set sailed in January 1787
  • Mary servant

    Mary servant
    May 1787 her Occupation was listed as a servant
  • New lands

    New lands
    And then travelled to port Jackson in Sydney cove on the 26 of January
  • New lands

    New lands
    The lady Penrhyn sailed into Botany Bay
  • Landing of the lady Penrhyn

    Landing of the lady Penrhyn
    Mary arrived home in 1788 the 22nd of January
  • Mary first kid

    Mary first kid
    Mary had her first child William Branham on the 20th of July 1788
  • Mary second child

    Mary second child
    Mary had her second child called Alicia born on the 23 of July 1791
  • Date of death

    Date of death
    Death unknown