5 million lives were lost when a drought caused a terrible famine. With the agricultural collapse, Russia's industrial output was decreased to only 20% of its original level in 1913. -
New Economic Policy
Lenin replaced war communism with the New Economic Policy (NEP).
-Peasants were then allowed to sell own produce.
-Small industries could be privately owned.
-Big industries remained under the conrol of the government.
Overall, the NEP program saved the Soviet Union from economic disaster. -
Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR) Created
Created by Lenin and the Communists, USSR became a new state. This was the first country in the world to be based on Marxist socialism. -
Death of Lenin
Lenin dies and the fight for power begins between Leon Trotsky and Joesph Stalin. Stalin uses general secretary piwer to gain control of Communist Party. -
Trotsky's End
Trotsky was forced out of the party by Stalin and made his way to Mexico where he was later murdered under Stalin's orders, Stalin then becomes a single power with no opposition. -
Tansition to Industrial
Stalin ends the NEP and launches the Five-Year Plan, which transforms Russia from agricultual to becoming industrialized. -
End of the Bolsheviks
Stalin removes the Bolsheviks from Politburo (policy making body of the Communist Party) and estalishes a dictatorship in which he his head of. -
Working Class Conditions
Investments in housing dramactically declines, leaving workers to live in horrible conditions. Laws were established to prevent the relocation of the workers. Also, the government used propaganda to keep workers content. -
Stalin's collectivization caused a widespread famine from hoarding food and the slaughtering of livestock. About 10 million died during this time. -
Increase in Workforce
Due to the transition of Russia to industrial, the number of workers increased by millions and this effect was given little thought by Stalin when forcing Russia into industrialization. Russia was unprepared for this workforce increase. -
Worker's Wages
Wages began to decline by 43 percent as a cost of the Five-Year Plan. To keep workers content, the governement insisted these were required sacrifices for the new socialist state. -
26 million family farms were collectivized into 250,000 units.
-Private farms became government owned.
-Privately owned garden plots were only allowed by farmers.
This plan was thought to increase food supply in the urban population, raw materials for industries, and agricultural exports. -
Reign Of Terror
Old Bolsheviks are put on trial and condemned to death under Stalin's power. Eliminating the Bolsheviks were the main target for this reign of terror to ensure no counter-revolutions. About 8 million were arrested, millions sent to labor camps, and others executed on sight. -
Steel Production
Steel production increased from 4 million all the way to 8 million under the Five-Year PLan. -
Social Change
Women's rights were being promoted in the early 1920s, however, Stalin backtracked and simply made them respnsible for instilling the values of work into their children. This ended the women's encouragement to work outside of their homes.