Birth of martin
Martin Luther king jr was born -
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Civil rights movment
Martin lead the civil rights movment -
Martin's grandma dies
It was traumatic for Martin
He was out watching a parade against his parents' wishes when she died.
Martin jumped from a second story window of his home attempting suicide. -
B.A. degree
As a Baptist minister king got his B.A degree in Sociology -
Bus boycott
Rosa parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on the bus so they made a group and had KIng be the leader for it -
First predident
The new group from the bus boycott became a thing and called Southern Christian Leadership Conference. -
Stabbed to death
King nearly got stabbed to death by a black woman while autographing his new book. He got stabbed but did not die though he died 10 years later. -
Big speech
I have a dream speech was a speech that he had that was for freedom for African Americans. He wanted evertone to be eqaul -
Man of the year
King man of the year on Time Magazine he had a cover photo and feature story. That is kinda big getting on a magizine -
Nobel prize
At 35 years old, Martin Luther King, Jr. became the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize. The peace nobel prize is the biggest one -
Period: to
King shifted his focus toward economic justice
spoke out strongly against the Vietnam War. Tried to make international peace -
Shortly after 6 p.m. on April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and mortally wounded as he stood on the second-floor balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis