Atlanta, Georgia, United States -
King Graduated from high school at the age of 15 and started his college carrier -
Began his freshman year at Morehouse College in Atlanta. -
Marries music student Coretta Scott, goes on to have 4 children with her. -
Montgomery bus boycott
Age 26 king leads a boycott of segregated buses, in Montgomery Alabama, and gains national reputation. This lasted a year and 15 days, ending on December 20th, 1956. -
King's house bombed by Montgomery
U.S. Supreme Court ruling prompts Montgomery to desegregate buses. -
Letter from Birmingham Jai
King is arrested and jailed during anti-segregation protests in Birmingham; writes Letter From Birmingham City Jail, arguing that individuals have the moral duty to disobey unjust. laws -
I Have a Dream Speech
Poor People's Campaign
Death (assassinated)
Memphis, Tennessee, United States