Martin luther king 2

Martin Luther King

  • He was born in Atlanta, Georgia

  • After his studying he becomes a pastor in a Negro church

    After his studying he becomes a pastor in a Negro church
  • King thinks that "All people are equal" and wants to stop racism

    King thinks that "All people are equal" and wants to stop racism
  • A black woman called Rosa Parks doesn't give up her seat on the bus to a white man. Then she is arrested. Martin wants black people not to use the buses until the rules are changed. The protest lasts 382 days.

    A black woman called Rosa Parks doesn't give up her seat on the bus to a white man. Then she is arrested. Martin wants black people not to  use the buses until the rules are changed. The protest lasts 382 days.
  • Black people can finally sit everywhere on the bus, because the rules are changed by the protest.

    Black people can finally sit everywhere on the bus, because the rules are changed by the protest.
  • He decides to do marches and protests like Gandhi, for the rights of black people

    He decides to do marches and protests like Gandhi, for the rights of black people
  • He receives threats: a bomb is set in front of his house

    He receives threats: a bomb is set in front of his house
  • He and his followers do a march for jobs and freedom to Washington, where he does an important speech called "I have a dream".

    He and his followers do a march for jobs and freedom to Washington, where he does an important speech called "I have a dream".
  • He wins the Nobel Peace Prize

    He wins the Nobel Peace Prize
  • They do a manifestation in Selma for the black people vote but police hits them

    They do a manifestation in Selma for the black people vote but police hits them
  • They win, the law is changed and they can vote

    They win, the law is changed and they can vote
  • He is assassinated in Tennessee, he was only 39 years old

    He is assassinated in Tennessee, he was only 39 years old