Brown vs. Board of Education
Oliver L. Brown fought to give his daughter and many other African American children the right to go to school with the white children. At this time there were schools for African American students and white students. The schools for the African American students were significantly worse than the all white schools. -
Rosa Parks Bus Seat
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat at the front of the bus to a white person. She was later charged and put in prison. The Montgomery Bus Boycott begins shorty after. -
MLK death
Martin Luther King Jr was shot and killed by James Earl Ray when being indicated by the Montgomery County Grand Jury. MLK and 81 other people were charged for being involved in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Montgomery Bus Boycott ends a few days after MLK's one year death anniversary. It ended because Congress decided that segregation on buses is unconstitutional. -
Coretta Scott King
Coretta King travels around the country telling her story and and inspiring people to make a change in how African Americans were being treated. She also went to India for a month to meet her husband's inspiration, Ghandi. -
Coretta Scott King Named Leader
With all her involvement after her husband passed, Coretta was named official spokesman and protesting leader. -
March on Wahsington
March on Wahsington was to protest for equal job opportunities for African Americans. It was also in rememberance of MLK. The March on Washington was one of the many ways African Americans nonviolently fought for their rights and freedoms as American citizens. -
Civil Rights Act
The Civil Rights Act ended all segregation laws, locally and throughout the states. John F Kennedy before being assassinated was trying to get the bill passed. Lyndon Johnson eventually got it passed and gave a speech mentioning MLK. -
Thurgood Marshall
Thrugood Marshall was named the first African American Justice. -
JFK Death
President John F Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza. His wife was also in the car as her husband was shot in the head in downtown Dallas, Texas. -
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagn signed bill naming February 21st Martin Luther King Jr day and a national holiday.