Martin Luther King

  • Matin Luther Kings birthday

    Matin Luther Kings birthday
    Matin Luther King jr was born in anlanta Goega.
  • Martin luther king old name

    Martin luther king old name
    Martin luther kings old name was michael he got the name in germany.
  • King junior in colledge

    King jr skipped 2 grades (th and 11th and enterd moorehouse colledg
  • When elected president of the (m.i.a)

    He was elected president of mia on a monday.
  • When martin luther king died

    When martin luther king died
    It happen at he was killed by a snipper he was pronounced dead at 7:05
  • when martin luther king goes on the magazine

    when martin luther king goes on the magazine
    Martin luther king is named Time magizines man of the year.
  • Martin Luther Kings i have a dream speach

    Martin Luther Kings i have a dream speach
    It was in Washington D.C that he said the I have a dream speach.
  • When martin luther king wins a prize

    When martin luther king wins a prize
    Martin luther king wins a noble peace prize.
  • King smoking

    King smoking
    On the day Martin luther king died he was out on a smoke but smoe guy took the cigerate from his poket so no one will no.
  • The martin luther king memoril statue

    The martin luther king memoril statue
    When martin luther king died they made a stuatue of him.