Nov 10, 1483
Martin Luther is born in Eisleben, Saxony, Holy Roman Empire
Jan 1, 1502
Luther gets his Bachelor degree at University of Wittenberg
Jul 2, 1505
Makes vow to become a monk
While caught in a storm returning to the university on horseback, Luther makes a vow to become a monk. -
Oct 19, 1512
Luther is awarded Doctorette of Theology from University of Wittenberg
Period: Jan 1, 1513 to Jan 1, 1516
Taught scripture in Wittenburg
Oct 31, 1517
Posts 95 Theses
Sends letter protesting the sale of indulgences to bishop Albert of Mainz. 95 Theses. -
Dec 1, 1517
Bishop Albert forwarded Luther's 95 Theses to Rome
Jun 1, 1519
Johann Eck stages disputation against Luther
Johann Eck staged a disputation against Luther and his colleague Andreas Karlstadt. Luther asserts Mattew 16:18, that the pope has no exculsive right to interpret scripture. -
Jun 15, 1520
Pope issues papal bull of excommunication
Luther has 60 days to respond. -
Dec 10, 1520
Luther sets fire to the Papal Bull and sends the Pope a copy of 'Freedom of Christian'
Apr 18, 1521
Luther appears in Diet of Worms
Refuses to recant his writings and gives speech. -
May 25, 1521
Holy Roman Emperor declares Luther an outlaw
Mar 6, 1522
Luther returns to Wittenberg, preaches sermons during lent