
Martin Luther

  • 1483


    Martin Luther was born to Hans and Margerthe Luther.
  • Period: 1483 to 1546

    Martin Luther: The Great Reformer

    This is a timeline devoted to 5 historical points of Martin Luther's life.
  • 1505

    The Stormy Vow

    The Stormy Vow
    Luther got caught in a horrific storm and prayed to St. Anne that if she would save him he would in return become a monk. He celebrated his first Mass 2 years later.
  • 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Luther preachers against indulgences within the faith and on October 31 he nailed his 95 Theses to the doors of Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany.
  • 1518


    Luther was charged with heresy because he testified that church doctorine should be based on the bible instead of man's views. Three years later the church excommunicates him. During this time, Luther translates the Greek New Testament into German. This only took ten weeks.
  • 1523

    Nuns & Monks

    Nuns & Monks
    Through this time of reformation, Martin Luther encourages nuns and monks to leave the convents. He meets a former nun: Katharina von Bora, who became his wife.
  • 1530

    The Large Catechism

    The Large Catechism
    Luther presents the Augsburg Confession to the Diet of Worms. Even though it was rejected it quickly became the cornerstone of the Lutheran faith