Martin luther

Martin Luther

  • 1483


    In 1483, Martin Luther was born.
  • 1502


    In 1502, Martin Luther received his Baccalaureate. Following his father's wishes, he attended the University of Erfurt, in an attempt to move up the social ladder.
  • 1505


    In 1505, Martin Luther was caught in a terrible storm. Following the dramatic experience, Martin Luther swore to serve God for the rest of his life.
  • 1512

    Doctor of Theology

    Doctor of Theology
    In 1512. Martin Luther was awarded his Doctor of Theology. In addition to receiving his Doctor of Theology, he was accepted into the senate of the theological faculty of the University of Wittenburg.
  • Period: 1513 to 1516

    Teaching the Bible

    Between 1513 and 1516, Martin Luther taught the bible.
  • 1517

    Fury in the Vatican

    Fury in the Vatican
    Following the nailing of the 95 Theses, Pope Leo X soon read Luther's complaints in the December following the event on October 31st. Having been exposed, the Catholic Church was most certainly not pleased.
  • 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    In the year 1517, Martin Luther nailed his complaints of the Catholic Church to the All Saints' Church in Wittenburg. Thus, the Protestant Reformation begun, without Luther's intention. Luther had not intended to divide the Catholic Church, but to reform it.
  • 1519

    God is Righteous

    God is Righteous
    Having a debate with Professor John Eck at Leipzig, Luther claims that the authority of the Pope is false, and that the true authority comes from God.
  • 1520

    A Warning

    A Warning
    Martin Luther received the papal bull "Exsurge Domine." This gave Luther 60 days to recant or be excommunicated.
  • 1520

    Powerful Words

    Powerful Words
    Martin Luther published three documents in 1520. These documents were: To the Christian Nobility, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and The Freedom of a Christian. With the publication of these documents came great influence.
  • 1521


    Martin Luther is excommunicated by the papal bull "Decet Romanum Pontificem," issued by Pope Leo X. With his excommunication came the formation of a new church.
  • 1521

    Diet of Worms

    Diet of Worms
    A council of European leaders met in Worms, Germany to decide the fate of Martin Luther. It was decided that Martin Luther is an outlaw and must be captured and punished as a heretic.
  • 1522

    Beginnings of Protestantism

    Beginnings of Protestantism
    Martin Luther in 1522 returned to Lutherstadt Wittenburg. Here, he starts all sorts of social and religious reforms, such as education for all. Additionally, he encourages artists, poets, and musicians to make works for the church.