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Martin Luther

  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin luther birth

    This was the date that Martin Luther was born
  • 1505


    Martin Luther swore to become a monk
  • 1517

    95 theses

    This was the date that Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses
  • 1525


    The date that Martin Luther got Married
  • 1526

    Hans Luther

    This was the date that Martin Luther gave birth to his first son Hans Luther
  • 1527

    Elisabeth Luther

    Martin Luther gave birth to his first daughter who is only one year older than his son
  • 1529

    Magdalena Luther

    Martin Luther second daughter
  • 1533

    Paul Luther

    this is Martin Luthers second son
  • 1534

    Margarethe Luther

    martin luther 3rd daughter
  • 1546


    This is the date that Martin Luther died