Nov 10, 1483
Martin Luther
He was born in this excat day. Eisleben, Saxony, Holy Roman Empire -
Jun 23, 1498
Martin Luther
Luther attends parish schools in Eisenach. -
Mar 12, 1504
Martin Luther
Luther became a monk. -
May 15, 1507
Martin Luther
Luther was ordained to the Preisthood -
Mar 12, 1512
Martin Luther
Until his death, he taught scripture at the University of Wittenburg in the German State of Saxony -
Mar 12, 1517
Martin Luther
Luther decided to take a public stand against the actions of a friar named, Johann Tetzel -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther
He posted statements, on the door of the castle church in Wittenburg and invited other scholars to debate him -
May 20, 1520
Martin Luther
Pope Leo X issued a decree threatening Luther with excommunication unless he took back his statements -
Dec 10, 1520
Martin Luther
Luther burns bull and cannon law with his students. -
Feb 19, 1521
Martin Luther
Pope summoned Luther to stand trial. -
Mar 13, 1522
Martin Luther
Luther returned to Wittenberg from the town of Worms -
Jun 30, 1524
Martin Luther
German peasants excited by reformers talked of Christian freedom demanded and end to serfdom. -
Mar 13, 1529
Martin Luther
German princes remained loyal to the Pope of Green to join forces against Luther's ideas. -
Feb 18, 1546
Martin Luther
In the town of Eisleben, Saxony, Holy Roman Empire. He was in his mid 60's when he died.
Luther's grave is opened-his remains remain.(1892) -
Mar 13, 1547
Martin Luther
Even thought he defeated them he failed to force them back to the Catholic Church. (the forces that the Pope was trying to fight against).