ArrayComm has also used its adaptive antenna technology to make the Internet "personal" by creating the i-BURST Personal Broadband System, which delivers high-speed, mobile Internet access that consumers can afford. -
martin cooper's role
Martin Cooper's role in conceiving and developing the first portable cellular phone directly impacted his choice to found and lead ArrayComm, a wireless technology and systems company founded in 1992 -
Martin Cooper the cell phone inventor!
Martin was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA -
After World War II, Cooper left the Navy and began working at Teletype Corporation, a subsidiary of Western Electric. In 1950, he received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology -
In 1954, he was hired by Motorola, and attended classes and studied at night. -
Master degrees
He went on to earn a master's degree in electrical engineering from IIT in 1957, -
Cooper reported to Mitchell. In the 1960s, Cooper was instrumental in turning pagers from a technology used in single buildings to one that stretched across cities -
John F. Mitchell
In 1960, John F. Mitchell, who also received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering (1950) from IIT, became chief engineer of Motorola's mobile communications projects -
Cooper worked on developing portable products, including the first portable handheld police radios, made for the Chicago police department in 1967. -
When it all started
Martin Cooper is still alive to this day he is 83 years old. Martin was the guy who invented cell phones, -
Bringing the phone to the market
Following the April 3, 1973, public demonstration, using a "brick"-like 30-ounce phone, Cooper started the 10-year process of bringing the portable cell phone to market. -
wordls first handheald cellular phone call in public.
In 1973, when Motorola installed a base station to handle the first public demonstration of a phone call over the cellular network, the company was trying to persuade the Federal Communications Commission to allocate frequency space to private companies for use in the emerging technology of cellular communications. -
After demonstrating the prototype cell phone to reporters, Cooper allowed some of the reporters to make phone calls to anyone of their choosing to prove that the cell phone could function as a versatile part of the telephone network -
Cooper is considered the inventor of the first handheld cellular phone and the first person to make a phone call in public on a handheld cell phone. Cooper and the engineers who worked for him, and Mitchell are named on the patent "Radio telephone system" filed on October 17, 1973. -
Motorola introduced the 16-ounce "DynaTAC" phone into commercial service in 1983, with each phone costing the consumer $3,500. -
The original Motorola DynaTAC handset weighed 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) and had 35 minutes of talk time. Cooper has said "The battery lifetime was 20 minutes, but that wasn't really a big problem because you couldn't hold that phone up for that long. -
Reduced weight
Cooper’s team had reduced the handset’s weight by half that of the original. The list price was around $4,000 (2009: $8,600). Cooper left Motorola before they started selling handheld mobile phones to consumers.[ -
Cellular Business Systems
Cooper started a company with partners to provide billing systems for cellular operators. In 1986, they sold the company to Cincinnati Bell for $23m -
The 30th anniversary
April 3, 2003 marked the 30th anniversary of the first public telephone call placed on a portable cellular phone. -
In 2006, Cooper and his wife, Arlene Harris, founded GreatCall, maker of Jitterbug, a U.S. mobile virtual wireless operator (in cooperation with the Verizon network). The company provides mobile telephone service carried on its own brand of handsets, which are marketed specifically to those looking for simplicity. -
Martin cooper
is an American former Motorola vice president and division manager who in the 1970s led the team that developed the handheld mobile phone (as distinct from the car phone)
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