Rocket Summer
One minute, it was cold, icicles hanging off ceilings of the houses and buildings in the town. Suddenly a wave of warmth crossed the town. Everything was warm once again. A rocket had landed on Mars. The rocket made winter disappear with each blow of hot air coming from its exhaust. -
A martian women named Ylla has a mysterious dream about people from Earth coming to Mars in a rocket. She starts to slowly realize her dream is a prediction of a future event. Her husband gets suspicious and thinks she is going insane. He tracks down the astronauts from her dream, his name is Nathaniel York. Ylla's husband finds Nathaniel York and kills him. Leaving Ylla deeply saddened -
The Summer Night
The people of Mars enjoying a beautiful, fun filled evening. A woman on a stage starts to sing a mysterious tune. She becomes frightened and can't stop singing this tune. Suddenly everyone in the town starts to sing this tune. Even children who have never heard of this tune say it. Everyone believes something terrible is going to happen. -
The Earth Men
The First Expedition to Mars has begun. Men from Earth have landed on the planet. They go door to door and explain to the Martians they're from Earth. No one believes them. The men visit a women named Mrs. Lii. The men realize they have been put into an insane asylum. Mr. Xxx, a psychologist, believes the earth men are haluucinations. He kills the men. Their bodies don't disappear after they've been shot. Mr. Xxx thinks he's gone insane and shoots himself. -
The Taxpayer
A citizen named Pritchard who wants to escape the nuclear war on Earth. He begs the people to let him go on the rocket to Mars for the second expedition because of the two Captains, York and Williams, not returning. -
The Third Expedition
17 more astronauts from Earth are sent to Mars. The rocket lands in a familiar environment to Captain John Black. He thinks the land looks like Green Bluff, Illonois. The other men visit their relatives whom they believe are still alive. Captain Black rethinks this whole situation as a plot of the Martians to trick them and kill them. As he tries to escape, he dies along with the other men. The Martians hold an earth-like funeral for all of them. -
The Moon be still as Bright
A 4th expedition comes to Mars. No life on Mars. After a long night of partying from the crew members, the men go on an expedition of the towns. An archaeologist named Spender leaves the crew and goes off on his own. Spender returns and claims he is a martian and tries to convince the others. They don't comply. Spender kills 5 crew members. Spender is determined to kill the rest of the crew members to prevent colonization of Mars. -
The Settlers
More men from Earth are going to Mars. People started to get a disease known as The Loneliness. The disease changes a persons mind in order for them to view their hometown as a foreign land. On Earth, the United States has become abandoned. -
The Green Morning
Introduced to a man named Benjamin Driscoll who is living on Mars. The atmosphere on Mars is too thin and the people on Mars may have to be transported back to Earth. Benjamin tries to resolve this problem planting trees and other plants on Mars to help with getting more oxygen. -
The Locusts
Many rockets filled with men and women are arrving on Mars for them to build homes. In 6 short months, dozens of towns have been built. Approximately 90,000 humans were living on Mars and more were coming. -
Night Meeting
A man named Tomas Gomez is travelling to a party. On his journey he runs into a Martian named Muhe Ca. Even though they look like regular people, they can't touch eachother, but they can also see through eachother. The two suspect they're not from the same time. One is from the future and the other is from the past, but they don't know who is which. -
The Shore
The first people on Mars were Americans. The second group on Mars were also Americans, but they could've avoided war. -
The humans make an earth-like town on Mars. -
The Musicians
Boys from Earth found a new game on Mars. They find a new town and dare and torment eachother along the way. They find dead bodies of the Martians killed from the wave of chickenpox. They kick the bodies around with which makes noise like music. The boys end their game realizing firemen are going around burning the bodies. -
The Naming of Names
Things on Mars are being namned after the men from the first expedition. The new names aren't as discriptive as the old ones. Humans are making Mars adapt to them rather than them adapt to Mars. -
Usher II
Introduced to a man named William Stendahl who is a wealthy book lover, and came to Mars to build his dream house. Stendahl isn't allowed to build the house. He builds it anyway. A man named Garrett comes to condemn the house, but Stendahl has a robotic ape kill him. Stendahl invites politicians over to the house for a party, his robots kill them and replace them. The old Garrett was a robot. Stendahl escapes in a helicopter and doesn't return. -
The Luggage Store
A war is about to happen on Earth. A prediction is made that humans on Mars and those on there way to Mars will want to go back to Earth. -
The Off Season
Sam Parkhill owns his own buisiness and it's a hotdog stand. Martians are bothering him. Sam shoots one of the Martians after he just wants to ask him something. Sam flees the other Martians. They catch up to him and offer Sam half of Mars. Along with half of Mars, the hotdog stand makes him wealthy. Earth's nuclear war begins. -
The Watchers
Nuclear war begins on Earth. Australia is atomized in premature explosion. United States and London bombed. -
The Silent Towns
Almost everyone on Mars returned to Earth. A man named Walter Gripp is alone. He wants to find someone to talk to. He calls a random phone number and a woman named Genevieve Selsor answers. They find eachother. Genevieve isn't the type of person Walter wanted to find. Genevieve wants to marry Walter. Walter leaves Genevieve and continues to live alone on Mars. -
The Long Years
Hathaway from the 4th expedition is living contently with his family for the next 20 years. He sees a rocket land and signals to it by setting a city on fire. It was Captain Wilder on the rocket. Wilder was exploring other planets. Wilder met Walter Gripp. Wilder eats dinner with Hathaway's family but notices they look just like they did 20 years ago. Hathaway and his family died 19 years ago. They bury "Hathaway". Wilder goes back to Earth. Mars is empty. -
There Will Come Soft Rains
A futuristic house is performing its regular functions even though no one is living in it. The family dog dies from not being taken care of or fed. A fire later destroys the house. -
The Million Year Picnic
A family arrives in a rocket to Mars. The eldest son Timothy tries to figure out what is happening. The dad destroys the rocket so they have no way back to Earth. The dad tells his family their is another family on their way to Mars. The kids keep persistently asking their dad when the new family will arrive. The dad burns artifacts from Earth since it doesn't exist. The dad says to his kids they are the Martians after all.