Martha Washington's Life

  • Martha's Birth

    Martha's Birth
    Martha Washington was born on June 2, 1731. She was born in Chestnut Grove to a rich and privileged family.
  • Marriage and Kids

    Marriage and Kids
    In 1749, Martha met Daniel Custis, the man she would Marry on May 15, 1750. The two fell in love and had four children all close in age. Francis, Daniel, Jacky, and Patsy were her children. Francis and Patsy did not make it past childhood.
  • Daniel Custis's Death

    Daniel Custis's Death
    The death of her husband, Daniel occurred less than ten years after the two married. This death was very tragic since she had recently lost two children. However, the death left Martha with hundreds of slaves and thousands of acres of land to own. This land would later be used when Martha met George Washington.
  • Meeting George Washington

    Meeting George Washington
    A few years passed before Martha and George met. The two were both very rich so they did not marry for money. The couple shortly married. The marriage bonded George with the land and slaves Martha received from Daniel's death. Martha knew that since he worked in the military that she was in for many sacrifices to come.
  • Martha in Encampments

    Martha in Encampments
    George became the leader of U.S. force in the Revolutionary War in 1775. Martha did not want to be away from George for long so she traveled once a year to encampments where George was. During these years, everyone began to love Martha. She was George's secretary during the times she was there. Martha did everything she could to keep the camp running smoothly.
  • Martha Helps at Valley Forge

    Martha Helps at Valley Forge
    Martha joined George in the rough Winter at Valley Forge. She had a large role here in running the household at Washington's Headquarters. She was In charge of entertaining guests and deciding on meals for soldiers and guests.
  • The offering of the Ladies

    The offering of the Ladies
    During the revolutionary war, many women collected money and donations for men fighting. Martha alone donated $20,000. The funds were send to her since she was in charge of this organization. Martha would distribute the money where needed.
  • Jacky's Death

    Jacky's Death
    Martha's last surviving son, Jacky, died on November 5, 1781. Martha became extremely devastated since she has no direct family left. After his death, Martha got to raise his children along with the children's mother.
  • First First Lady

    First First Lady
    Martha's husband, George was elected the first president of the United States in April 1789. Martha moved with George to the Presidents Mansion in Phillidelplia to start his first term as president. During her time as the First Lady, Martha was a huge help and had many responsibilities. One major thing she did was organize events, parties, receptions, etc in their mansion. This planning job set future precedents for First Ladies to come.
  • Ona Judge

    Ona Judge
    One of Martha's closest and factories slaves, Ona, escaped to New Hampsire. Martha was so upset at her since she treated her like her own child. Martha convinced George to retrieve her but ultimately could not.
  • Returning to Mount Vernon

    Returning to Mount Vernon
    When Washington finished his presidency, Martha was overjoyed to move back to Mount Vernon. Though she loved being the First Lady, she couldn't wait to go to the home that she was comfortable in. This home is where she would grow old and eventually die in alone with George.
  • Martha's Death Frees Slaves

    Martha's Death Frees Slaves
    Her husbands will stated that when Martha died, his slaves would be released. George owned 123 out of the 317 slaves at Mount Vernon. When Martha died, the 123 slaves were freed. The slaves that belonged to Martha were divided up among her grandchildren.