Martha Washington's birth
Martha Washington was born at 10:29 a.m. She was born on her parent's plantation Chestnut Grove. -
Married Daniel Parke Custis
She married Custis at age 18. -
Death of Daniel Parke Custis
Daniel parke Custis died, leaving Martha as a rich widow. -
Married George Washington
Martha married Washington at the White House Plantation. Martha was the age of 27, while George was nearly the age of 27. -
birth of Eleanor Parke Custis
Eleanor Parke Custis is the daughter of John (Jacky) Parke Custis -
Birth of George Washington Parke Custis
Apr 30, 1781 - George Washington Parke Custis was born. -
George Wahington became president
George Washington was became the first president of the United States. -
In office
Martha was first in office on this day. -
last day in office
Martha's last day in office was on this daate. -
freed slaves
Martha freed Washington's slaves after he died . She set them free at Mary Cranch.