Jose Otero Abeledo is born in Lalin (Province of Pontevedra in Galizia) (This is a picture of her mother)
He moves with his parents to Botos (A village,three kilometers away from Lalin's center) (This is a picture of him with his childhood teacher)
He emigrates to Cuba and begins with drawing classes
He visits some expositions in Cuba as he works as a artistic stained glass maker
He returns to Lalin with a severe disease
He begins working in a hair salon in Lalin
He receives lessons with an Argentinian artist in Vigo and then he returns to Lalin
Lalin's city council gives him a scholarship to study in Madrid
He publishes a drawing for a Madrid magazine
He participates in an art exposition in Vigo (Pontevedra's biggest city)
He presents some of his drawings in Buenos Aires
He is chosen as the vice-president of the Asoc.
The Laxeiro museum is created in Lalin, Laxeiro's hometown
He returns permanently, exhibits at the Biosca Gallery(Madrid) and participates in the Third Open-Air Art Exhibition at the Praza da Princesa(Vigo). (Photo of Laxeiro)
Laxeiro dies in Vigo