Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early Beginnings
3900 BCE
Disease Caused by?
Primitive humans believed disease was caused by supernatural spirits. -
3600 BCE
Treatments for sick?
Tribal doctors performed exorcisms to get rid of evil spirits. They would also perform trephining, where they would remove part of the cranium. They also utilized herbs and plants as medicines. -
3100 BCE
Medicines used
-comes from the foxglove plant
- would be chewed
-strengthens and slows the heartbeat Quinine
-comes from bark of the cinchona tree
-controls fevers, relives muscle spasms, prevents malaria Belladonna and Atropine
-made from nightshade
-relives muscle spasms, and gastrointestinal pain Morphine
-made from opium poppy
-relives pain
-can be very addictive -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient Times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
Health Records- earliest people to keep accurate records
Physicians- Priests, Egyptians believed the gods would heal them
Healing- medicines, splinting fractures, bloodletting with leaches -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
Development of Acupuncture -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
Illness is caused by nature instead of spiritual
Dissection was not allowed because of religious customs
Hippocrates based his knowledge on the external anatomy and wrote the standard of ethics -
Ancient Romans
Made sewer systems to keep city’s clean and more sanitary
Physicians had separate rooms to treat packet sure and organized medical equipment to be sent to their army’s -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark Age
The stop of the study of medicine
Medicine was practiced in convents and monasteries. Priest and worker in the church would act as physicians which lead to treatments being based on spiritual practices like prayer. -
Prayer was the main treatment and medication consisted of herbs
This lead to millions of people being killed because of disease. -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle Age
Epidemics like the Bubonic plague, smallpox, and syphilis killed millions -
Period: 1350 to
Scientific research began and many developments were made.
This included the building of medical schools, search for new ideas, the use of dissection to study, use of the printing press, and books. -
Period: 1501 to
16th and 17th Centuries
Leonardo da Vinci
-studied anatomy -
Gabriele Fallopius
-discovered the fallopian tube -
Bartolommeo Eustachio
-discovered the Eustachian tube- lead from the ear to the throat -
William Harvey
Described blood circulation -
Antonie von Leeuwenhoek
Invented the microscope
Discovered bacteria -
Early form of pharmacy’s -
Period: to
18th Century
Benjamin Franklin
Discovered cold could be passed from one person to another
Discovered bifocals -
Medical students
Observed operations and attended lectures. Students also dissected bodies. -
Joseph Priestley
Discovered the element oxygen
Also discovered how plants refresh the air which is then used for respiration -
Edward Jenner
Discovered methods of vaccination for smallpox -
Rene Leannec
Invented the stethoscope -
Period: to
19th and 20th Centuries
Ignaz Semmelweis
Discovered how important handwashing and cleanliness is, and how it helps prevent infections. -
Florence Nightingale
Founder of modern nursing -
Louis Pasteur
Known as the father of microbiology
Discovered microorganisms cause decease
Created pasteurization -
Dmitri Lvanovski
Discovered viruses -
Joseph Lister
Because the first doctor to use antiseptics in surgery and used carbolic acid on wounds -
Ernst von Bergmann
Developed asepsis which helps keep areas germ free before surgery -
Robert Koch
Discovered many disease causing organisms
Developed the culture plate method -
Paul Ehrlich
Discovered the effect of medicine on disease causing microorganisms
The use of chemicals to fight diseases -
Wilhelm Roentgen
Invented the x-ray in 1895 -
Nitrous oxide, ether, and chloroform were used to put patients to sleep
Before anesthesia was discover patients were knocked out or choked to be put to sleep -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Discovered that penicillin killed life threatening bacteria.
This discovery helped save millions -
Sigmund Freud
Discovered the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind
Determined that the mind and body work together
Psychiatry -
Gerhard Domagk
Discovered sulfonamide compounds the first medicines that effectively killing bacteria
Killed deadly diseases -
Jonas Salk
Discovered that a dead polio virus would give immunity against poliomyelitis -
Albert Sabin
Used live polio virus as a vaccine -
Francis Crick and James Watson
Discovered the molecular structure of DNA
Their model explains how DNA replicates -
Christian Barnard
Performed the first successful heart transplant in 1968 -
Ben Carson
A pioneer in separating Siamese twins, performing helispherectomies, and surgeries on the brain to stop seizures -
Period: to
21st century
3D printing
3D printing can be used to create implants, joints, prosthetics and even skin. -
Virtual Reality
Can be used to train medical students and can help show patients how procedures will go. -
Robotic surgery
This allows Doctors to preform surgeries that are complex with more precision. A robotic arm and camera is most commonly used. -
Regenerative Therapy Treatment
This field seeks to replace and regenerate damaged tissues. This is done through cell therapy, tissue engineering, and gene therapy. -
Patient Portals
This allows patients to meet with healthcare professionals online. This allows the patient to get care and answers quickly -
Blood testing for Alzheimer’s disease
Randall Bateman discovered a test that detects the amyloid plaques that are found in Alzheimer’s disease.