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Mark Twain Timeline

  • Mark Twain Born

    Mark Twain Born
    Samuel Langhorne Clemens is born in Florida, Missouri.
  • Mark Twain Family move to Hannibal, Missouri

    Mark Twain Family move to Hannibal, Missouri
    Mark Twains family moves to Hannibal, Missouri a frequent stop for steamboats on the Mississippi river. Soon Mark Twain would look up to them and wants to be one himself.
  • Mark Twains father dies

    Mark Twains father dies
    Mark Twains father John Clemens dies, forcing the family into financial trouble.
  • Mark Twain gets a job as a printer

    Mark Twain gets a job as a printer
    At the age of 15 Mark Twain leaves school to get a job as a printer in Hannibal, Missouri.
  • Apprentice to a riverboat captain

    Apprentice to a riverboat captain
    Mark Twain begins a 2yr apprenticeship to become a riverboat captain. He get his pen name Mark Twain from this job as it is lingo that refers to the depth of the river. at which the boat is safe to navigate threw.
  • Death of Twain's Brother

    Death of Twain's Brother
    Mark Twain's youngest brother Henry dies at the age of 20. Twain personally feels responsible for the death of his brother as he encouraged him to get a job on a steamboat which is where he died from an explosion.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Twain spends two weeks training in a volunteer Confederate militia before it disbands.
  • Mark Twain Moves to California

    Mark Twain Moves to California
    Twain travels to northern California before deciding to live in San Francisco.
  • Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog

    Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog
    Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog is published increasing Mark Twain's Profile as a writer.
  • The Innocents Abroad

    The Innocents Abroad
    Mark Twains first book The Innocents Abroad is published and becomes a best seller.
  • Mark Twain marries and has first child

    Mark Twain marries and has first child
    Twain marries Olivia Langdon their son Langdon is born later that year.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    Mark Twains book The Gilded Age is published
  • Daughter born

    Daughter born
    Daughter Clara is born, and would go on to outlive Mark Twain.
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is published.
  • Jean Clemens Born

    Jean Clemens Born
    Livy Clemens gives birth to a daughter named Jean.
  • Life on the Mississippi

    Life on the Mississippi
    Mark Twain publishes Life on the Mississippi a story of his years as a steamboat captain.
  • Publishing company

    Publishing company
    Twain founds his own publishing company, Charles L. Webster & Co.
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and a biography of President Ulysses S. Grant.

    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and a biography of President Ulysses S. Grant.
    In one year Mark Twain publishes The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and a biography of President Ulysses S. Grant.
  • Moving to Europe

    Because of financial reasons Mark Twain moves his family to Europe for cheaper living.
  • Mark Twain's Last Novel

    Mark Twain's Last Novel
    Pudd'nhead Wilson, Twain's last novel, is published. After ten hard years of trying to make it Mark Twains publishing company goes broke leaving Twain practically bankrupt.
  • Lecture Tour

    Twain goes on a worldwide tour to earn money to pay back creditors he owes money to.
  • Susy Clemens dies

    Susy Clemens dies
    Susy dies of meningitis Mark Twain is in Europe and is heart broken and never fully recovers
  • Mark Twains wife dies

    Twains wife Livy Clemens dies after a 2 year illness.
  • Death of Jean Clemens

    Death of Jean Clemens
    Jean, Twains youngest daughter dies.
  • Death of Mark Twain

    Death of Mark Twain
    Mark Twain dies in his home in Redding, Connecticut at the age of 74.